NOAA Fisheries Feature


What is Bycatch?
National Bycatch Strategy
Recent Regulatory Actions Fisheries
Recent Regulatory Actions Protected Resources
International Activities
Research and Monitoring
Reports and Articles
Regional Bycatch Summaries
Related Laws

American Fisheries Society 2007 Annual Meeting Symposium on Bycatch Incentives, Estimation, and Research (8/30/07)
The symposium, entitled "Developing Tools for Ecosystem-Based Fishery Management: Incentive Programs, Bycatch Quantification, and Gear Technology," included over 30 oral presentations by leading bycatch experts from around the world.

2007 Workshop to Discuss Technologies to Reduce Sea Turtle Bycatch in Southern New England and mid-Atlantic Inshore Trawl Fisheries

ICES Annual Science Conference, 19-23 September 2006, Maastricht, The Netherlands
This meeting included Theme Sessions dealing with discarding; marine mammals, seabirds, and fisheries; and technologies for monitoring fishing activities and observing catch.

ICES 2006, Fishing Technology in the 21st Century, Boston, October 30-November 3, 2006
This symposium focused on the theme of integrating commercial fishing and ecosystem conservation and include many bycatch-related presentations by leading researchers.

Cooperative Research Conservation Engineering Workshop, Portsmouth, NH, January 23-25, 2006
This NOAA Fisheries workshop was designed to produce a step-by-step guide for the fishing community for developing sound research proposals for cooperative research projects.

International bycatch symposium at American Fisheries Society annual meeting, August 11-13, 2003, Quebec City

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