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DataCall services are available to the Federal Government and other organizations
for the fast collection and reporting of information from widely dispersed sources.
  • Primary Features and Benefits for Customers with DataCall Systems:

Incredibly Fast Startup - 1 to 4 days. Works in all emergency situations

Custom system cost is far below alternative solutions

Lowest cost and time invested
Validation provided Higher Quality Information
User self registration Reduces internal administration cost.

User "first call" support is provided by phone and email

Reduces internal support cost
Access via the Internet from office, telework or Pocket PC  . Almost no access limitations
Hardware, software and security are provided Reduces internal IT cost
Acquisition is available via GSA IT Schedule Straight-forward procurement
  • Current Government DataCall systems: (See the fido.gov website)

  • Advisory Committee Management (FACA - 3,524 users)
    Various Agency Only: (GSA-CMS 489 DOC-AAP 1,153 )
    • DataCall Government and Corporate Services

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