Records Managers

Alphabetical list of Agencies with Appraisal and Scheduling Workgroup Contacts

A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J   K   L  M   N  O  P   Q  R  S  T  U  V-W  X-Z


Agency Work Group E-mail the Appraisal ArchivistPhone Number
Administration for Children and Families 1 Andrea Loiselle301-837-1684
Administration on Aging 1 Brian Woodall301-837-1574
Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts 2 Stephen Cooper301-837-1615
African Command MIL Sebastian Welch301-837-1740
African Development Foundation EFI Emma Stelle301-837-3043
Agency for Health Care Research and Quality 1 Andrea Loiselle301-837-1684
Agency for International Development EFI Emma Stelle301-837-3043
Agricultural Marketing Service 4 Kitty Carter301-837-1582
Agricultural Research Service 4 Thomas Cotter301-837-1623
Agriculture, Department of 4 Kitty Carter301-837-1582
Air Force, Department of the MIL Richard Noble301-837-2019
Alcohol, Tobacco, Tax and Trade Bureau 2 Stephen Cooper301-837-1615
American Battle Monuments Commission MIL Steven Rhodes301-837-3055
American Institute in Taiwan EFI Emma Stelle301-837-3043
Animal & Plant Health Inspection Service 4 James Cassedy301-837-1584
Appalachian Regional Commission Mid Atlantic Laura McHale215-305-2022
Architectural and Transportation Barriers Compliance Board 3 Henry Wolfinger301-837-3147
Armed Forces Retirement Home MIL Steven Rhodes301-837-3055
Army Air Force Exchange ServiceSouthwest Cindy Smolovik817-207-6315
Army, Department of the MIL Sebastian Welch301-837-1740

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Agency Work Group E-mail the Appraisal ArchivistPhone Number
Barry M. Goldwater Scholarship and Excellence in Education Foundation 3 Leslie Watson301-837-3108
Bonneville Power Administration Pacific AlaskaBill Greathouse206- 336-5145
Broadcasting Board of Governors EFI Lisa Roberson301-837-0759
Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives 2 Rebekah Fairbank301-837-0662
Bureau of Economic Analysis 3 John Hulmston301-837-1825
Bureau of Engraving and Printing 2 Stephen Cooper301-837-1615
Bureau of Indian Affairs 3 Henry Wolfinger301-837-3147
Bureau of Industry and Security 3 John Hulmston301-837-1825
Bureau of Labor Statistics 4 James Cassedy301-837-1584
Bureau of Land Management Pacific Kathleen Collins650-238-3462
Bureau of Prisons 2 Marva Frazier301-837-1717
Bureau of Public Debt 2 Stephen Cooper301-837-1615
Bureau of Reclamation Rocky Mountain Mark Ferguson303-407-5721
Bureau of Transportation Statistics 4 James Cassedy301-837-1584

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Agency Work Group E-mail the Appraisal ArchivistPhone Number
Census, Bureau of the 3 Henry Wolfinger301-837-3147
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Southeast Edward Dukes404-736-2831
Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services Mid Atlantic David Miller215-305-2021
Central Command MIL Sebastian Welch301-837-1740
Central Intelligence Agency EFI Margaret Hawkins301-837-1799
Commerce, Department of 3 John Hulmston301-837-1825
Commission of Fine Arts 3 Henry Wolfinger301-837-3147
Commodity Futures Trading Commission EFI Lisa Roberson301-837-0759
Congressional Budget Office 3 Leslie Watson301-837-3108
Congressional Research Service 3 Kate Flaherty301-837-1706
Consumer Product Safety Commission EFI Margaret Hawkins301-837-1799
Cooperative State Research, Education, and Extension Service 4 Thomas Cotter301-837-1623
Corporation for National and Community Service 2 Marva Frazier301-837-1717
Council on Environmental Quality EFI Margaret Hawkins301-837-1799
Court System (Judicial) 2 Stephen Cooper301-837-1615
Customs and Border Protection 1 Ivan King301-837-3030

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Agency Work Group E-mail the Appraisal ArchivistPhone Number
Defense Business Transformation Agency MIL Steven Rhodes301-837-3055
Defense Commissary Agency MIL Jill Glenewinkel301-837-1754
Defense Contract Audit Agency MIL Steven Rhodes301-837-3055
Defense Contract Management Agency MIL Jill Glenewinkel301-837-1754
Defense Criminal Investigative Service MIL Sebastian Welch301-837-1740
Defense Finance and Accounting Service Great Lakes Galen Wilson937-425-0613
Defense Information Systems Agency MIL Sebastian Welch301-837-1740
Defense Intelligence Agency EFI Lisa Roberson301-837-0759
Defense Logistics Agency MIL Jill Glenewinkel301-837-1754
Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board MIL Steven Rhodes301-837-3055
Defense Security Service MIL Steven Rhodes301-837-3055
Defense Technical Information Center MIL Sebastian Welch301-837-1740
Defense Threat Reduction Agency MIL Steven Rhodes301-837-3055
Defense, Office of the Secretary of MIL Sebastian Welch301-837-1740
Delaware River Basin Commission Northeast Stephanie Fawcett781-663-0124
Department of Defense Inspector General MIL Sebastian Welch301-837-1740
Director of National Intelligence EFI Margaret Hawkins301-837-1799
District Courts of the U.S. 2 Stephen Cooper301-837-1615
Drug Enforcement Administration 2 Stephen Cooper301-837-1615

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Agency Work Group E-mail the Appraisal ArchivistPhone Number
Education, Department of 3 Leslie Watson301-837-3108
Employee Benefits Security Administration 4 James Cassedy301-837-1584
Energy, Department of MIL Steven Rhodes301-837-3055
Environmental Protection Agency 3 Henry Wolfinger301-837-3147
Equal Employment Opportunity Commission 3 Kate Flaherty301-837-1706
European Command MIL Sebastian Welch301-837-1740
Executive Office of the U.S. Attorneys 2 Stephen Cooper301-837-1615
Export-Import Bank of the United States EFI Emma Stelle301-837-3043

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Agency Work Group E-mail the Appraisal ArchivistPhone Number
Farm Credit Administration 4 Kitty Carter301-837-1582
Farm Service Agency 4 Kitty Carter301-837-1582
Federal Aviation Administration 1 Julie Hunsaker301-837-0661
Federal Bureau of Investigation 2 Stephen Cooper301-837-1615
Federal Communications Commission EFI Lisa Roberson301-837-0759
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation 2 Stephen Cooper301-837-1615
Federal Election Commission EFI Lisa Roberson301-837-0759
Federal Emergency Management Agency 1 Brian Woodall301-837-1574
Federal Energy Regulatory Commission MIL Steven Rhodes301-837-3055
Federal Highway Administration 4 Ryan Morrone301-837-3016
Federal Home Loan Bank Board 2 Stephen Cooper301-837-1615
Federal Housing Finance Board 2 Stephen Cooper301-837-1615
Federal Judicial Center 2 Stephen Cooper301-837-1615
Federal Labor Relations Authority 4 James Cassedy301-837-1584
Federal Law Enforcement Training Center Southeast Leanne Townsend-Cerame404-736-2825
Federal Maritime Commission 1 Brian Woodall301-837-1574
Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service 4 James Cassedy301-837-1584
Federal Mine Safety and Health Review Commission 4 James Cassedy301-837-1584
Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration 4 James Cassedy301-837-1584
Federal Railroad Administration 4 James Cassedy301-837-1584
Federal Reserve System 2 Stephen Cooper301-837-1615
Federal Retirement Thrift Investment Board 2 Marva Frazier301-837-1717
Federal Trade Commission EFI Emma Stelle301-837-3043
Federal Transit Administration 4 James Cassedy301-837-1584
Financial Management Service 2 Rebekah Fairbank301-837-0662
Fish and Wildlife Service Pacific AlaskaBill Greathouse206- 336-5145
Food and Drug Administration 1 Andrea Loiselle301-837-1684
Food and Nutrition Service 4 Kitty Carter301-837-1582
Food Safety and Inspection Service 4 Kitty Carter301-837-1582
Foreign Claims Settlement Commission 2 Marva Frazier301-837-1717
Forest Service 4 Thomas Cotter301-837-1623

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Agency Work Group E-mail the Appraisal ArchivistPhone Number
General Services Administration 2Marva Frazier301-837-1717
Government Accountability Office 3 Leslie Watson301-837-3108
Government of American Samoa 3 John Hulmston301-837-1825
Government Printing Office 3 Leslie Watson301-837-3108
Grain Inspectors, Packers and Stockyard Administration 4 Kitty Carter301-837-1582

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Agency Work Group E-mail the Appraisal ArchivistPhone Number
Health and Human Services, Department of 1 Brian Woodall301-837-1574
Health Resources and Services Administration 1 Brian Woodall301-837-1574
Homeland Security, Department of 1Julie Hunsaker301-837-0661
Housing and Urban Development, Department of 3 Leslie Watson301-837-3108

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Agency Work Group E-mail the Appraisal ArchivistPhone Number
Immigration and Customs Enforcement 1 Ivan King301-837-3030
Indian Arts and Crafts Board 3 Henry Wolfinger301-837-3147
Indian Health Service 1 Andrea Loiselle301-837-1684
Institute of Museum and Library Services EFI Emma Stelle301-837-3043
Inter-American Foundation EFI Emma Stelle301-837-3043
Interior, Department of the 3 John Hulmston301-837-1825
Internal Revenue Service 2 Stephen Cooper301-837-1615
International Boundary and Water Commission, United States and Mexico SouthwestBill Fellers817-831-5918
International Boundary Commission, United States and Canada EFI Emma Stelle301-837-3043
International Broadcasting Bureau EFI Lisa Roberson301-837-0759
International Trade Administration 3 Leslie Watson301-837-3108
International Trade Commission 3 John Hulmston301-837-1825

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Agency Work Group E-mail the Appraisal ArchivistPhone Number
Japan-U.S. Friendship Commission EFI Emma Stelle301-837-3043
Joint Staff MIL Sebastian Welch301-837-1740
Justice, Department of 2 Rebekah Fairbank301-837-0662

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Agency Work Group E-mail the Appraisal ArchivistPhone Number
Labor, Department of 4 James Cassedy301-837-1584
Library of Congress 3 Kate Flaherty301-837-1706

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Agency Work Group E-mail the Appraisal ArchivistPhone Number
Marine Mammal Commission Pacific Debi Wayne949-360-2622
Maritime Administration 4 James Cassedy301-837-1584
Marshals Service 2 Thomas Jenkins301-837-3080
Merit Systems Protection Board 2 Marva Frazier301-837-1717
Millennium Challenge Corporation EFI Lisa Roberson301-837-0759
Mine Safety and Health Administration 4 James Cassedy301-837-1584
Minerals Management Service Southwest Cindy Smolovik817-207-6315
Minority Business Development Agency 3 John Hulmston301-837-1825
Missile Defense Agency MIL Jill Glenewinkel301-837-1754
Mississippi River Commission Southeast Leanne Townsend-Cerame404-736-2825
Morris K. Udall Scholarship Foundation Pacific Cathy Westfeldt949-360-2642

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Agency Work Group E-mail the Appraisal ArchivistPhone Number
National Aeronautics and Space Administration 3 John Hulmston301-837-1825
National Agricultural Statistics Service 4 Thomas Cotter301-837-1623
National Archives and Records Administration 2 Marva Frazier301-837-1717
National Capital Planning Commission 3 Henry Wolfinger301-837-3147
National Commission on Libraries and Information Science EFI Margaret Hawkins301-837-1799
National Council on Disability 2 Marva Frazier301-837-1717
National Credit Union Administration 2 Marva Frazier301-837-1717
National Drug Intelligence Center Mid Atlantic David Weber215-305-2004
National Endowment for the Arts Pacific David Piff650-238-3463
National Endowment for the Humanities Pacific Kathleen Collins650-238-3462
National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency EFI Margaret Hawkins301-837-1799
National Guard Bureau MIL Sebastian Welch301-837-1740
National Highway Traffic Safety Administration 4 James Cassedy301-837-1584
National Indian Gaming Commission 3 Kate Flaherty301-837-1706
National Institute of Standards and Technology 3 Kate Flaherty301-837-1706
National Institutes of Health 1 Andrea Loiselle301-837-1684
National Labor Relations Board 4 Kitty Carter301-837-1582
National Mediation Board 4 James Cassedy301-837-1584
National Nuclear Security Administration MIL Steven Rhodes301-837-3055
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration 3 Henry Wolfinger301-837-3147
National Park Service Northeast Stephanie Fawcett781-663-0124
National Reconnaissance Office EFI Margaret Hawkins301-837-1799
National Science Foundation 3 Henry Wolfinger301-837-3147
National Security Agency/Central Security Service EFI Margaret Hawkins301-837-1799
National Technical Information Service 3 Henry Wolfinger301-837-3147
National Telecommunications and Information Administration 3 John Hulmston301-837-1825
National Transportation Safety Board 4 James Cassedy301-837-1584
Natural Resources Conservation Service 4 Thomas Cotter301-837-1623
Naval Criminal Investigative Service MIL Steven Rhodes301-837-3055
Navy, Department of the MIL Steven Rhodes301-837-3055
Navy, Office of Naval Intelligence MIL Steven Rhodes301-837-3055
Northern Commend MIL Sebastian Welch301-837-1740
Nuclear Regulatory Commission MIL Richard Noble301-837-2019
Nuclear Waste Technical Review Board MIL Steven Rhodes301-837-3055

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Agency Work Group E-mail the Appraisal ArchivistPhone Number
Occupational Safety and Health Administration 4 James Cassedy301-837-1584
Occupational Safety and Health Review Commission 4 James Cassedy301-837-1584
Office of Compliance 3 Kate Flaherty301-837-1706
Office of Federal Housing Enterprise Oversight 2 Marva Frazier301-837-1717
Office of Government Ethics 2 Marva Frazier301-837-1717
Office of Management and Budget EFI Margaret Hawkins301-837-1799
Office of National Drug Control Policy EFI Margaret Hawkins301-837-1799
Office of Navajo and Hopi Indian RelocationPacific Cathy Westfeldt949-360-2642
Office of Personnel Management 2 Stephen Cooper301-837-1615
Office of Science and Technology Policy EFI Margaret Hawkins301-837-1799
Office of Surface Mining 3 John Hulmston301-837-1825
Office of the Comptroller of the Currency 2 Stephen Cooper301-837-1615
Office of the Special Counsel (Merit Systems Protection Board) 2 Marva Frazier301-837-1717
Office of the United States Trade Representative EFI Margaret Hawkins301-837-1799
Office of Thrift Supervision 2 Stephen Cooper301-837-1615
Overseas Private Investment Corporation EFI Lisa Roberson301-837-0759

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Agency Work Group E-mail the Appraisal ArchivistPhone Number
Pacific Command MIL Sebastian Welch301-837-1740
Patent and Trademark Office 3 Kate Flaherty301-837-1706
Peace Corps EFI Emma Stelle301-837-3043
Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation 4 Kitty Carter301-837-1582
Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration 4 James Cassedy301-837-1584
Postal Rate Commission 3 Kate Flaherty301-837-1706
Presidio Trust Pacific David Piff650-238-3463

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Agency Work Group E-mail the Appraisal ArchivistPhone Number
Railroad Retirement Board Great Lakes Joseph Suster773-948-9040
Research and Innovative Technology Administration 4 James Cassedy301-837-1584
Rural Development 4 Thomas Cotter301-837-1623

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Agency Work Group E-mail the Appraisal ArchivistPhone Number
Secret Service 4 Thomas Cotter301-837-1623
Securities and Exchange Commission EFI Emma Stelle301-837-3043
Selective Service System MIL Steven Rhodes301-837-3055
Sentencing Commission 2 Stephen Cooper301-837-1615
Small Business Administration EFI Emma Stelle301-837-3043
Social Security Administration Mid Atlantic David Miller215-305-2021
Southeastern Power Administration SoutheastRandy Jones404-736-2827
Southern Command MIL Sebastian Welch301-837-1740
Southwestern Power AdministrationSouthwest Cindy Smolovik817-207-6315
Special Operations Command MIL Sebastian Welch301-837-1740
St. Lawrence Seaway Development 4 James Cassedy301-837-1584
State Justice Institute 2 Stephen Cooper301-837-1615
State, Department of EFI Margaret Hawkins301-837-1799
Strategic Command MIL Sebastian Welch301-837-1740
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration 1 Andrea Loiselle301-837-1684
Surface Transportation Board 4 James Cassedy301-837-1584
Susquehanna River Basin Commission Mid Atlantic David Weber215-305-2004

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Agency Work Group E-mail the Appraisal ArchivistPhone Number
Tennessee Valley Authority SoutheastRandy Jones404-736-2827
Transportation Command MIL Sebastian Welch301-837-1740
Transportation Security Administration 1 Ivan King301-837-3030
Transportation, Department of 4 James Cassedy301-837-1584
Treasury, Department of the 2 Stephen Cooper301-837-1615
Truman Scholarship Foundation 3 Leslie Watson301-837-3108

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Agency Work Group E-mail the Appraisal ArchivistPhone Number
U.S. Air Force Academy MIL Richard Noble301-837-2019
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers MIL Sebastian Welch301-837-1740
U.S. Attorneys 2 Thomas Jenkins301-837-3080
U.S. Chemical Safety and Hazard Investigation Board 3 John Hulmston301-837-1825
U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services 4 Thomas Cotter301-837-1623
U.S. Coast Guard 1 Brian Woodall301-837-1574
U.S. Commission on Civil Rights EFI Margaret Hawkins301-837-1799
U.S. Court of International Trade 2 Stephen Cooper301-837-1615
U.S. Court of Veterans Appeals 4 James Cassedy301-837-1584
U.S. Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court 2 Stephen Cooper301-837-0877
U.S. Geological Survey Rocky Mountain Mark Ferguson303-407-5721
U.S. Holocaust Memorial Council and Museum 2 Marva Frazier301-837-1717
U.S. Joint Forces Command MIL Sebastian Welch301-837-1740
U.S. Marine Corps MIL Steven Rhodes301-837-3055
U.S. Military Academy MIL Sebastian Welch301-837-1740
U.S. Mint 2 Stephen Cooper301-837-1615
U.S. Naval Academy MIL Steven Rhodes301-837-3055
U.S. Parole Commission 2 Thomas Jenkins301-837-3080
U.S. Postal Service 3 Kate Flaherty301-837-1706
U.S. Trade and Development Agency EFI Emma Stelle301-837-3043
United States Institute of Peace EFI Lisa Roberson301-837-3172

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Agency Work Group E-mail the Appraisal ArchivistPhone Number
Veterans Affairs, Department of 4 James Cassedy301-837-1584
Western Area Power Administration Rocky Mountain Mark Ferguson303-407-5721

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