Records Managers

Domestic Work Group 2

Agency Assignments - February 2009

Work Group Leader: Stephen Cooper

National Archives at College Park
NWML, Room 2100
8601 Adelphi Road
College Park, MD 20740-6011
Phone (301) 837-1615
Fax number (301) 837-3697

Agency E-mail the Appraisal ArchivistPhone Number
Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts Stephen Cooper301-837-1615
Alcohol Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau Stephen Cooper301-837-1615
Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives Rebekah Fairbank301-837-0662
Bureau of Engraving and Printing Stephen Cooper301-837-1615
Bureau of Prisons Marva Frazier301-837-1717
Bureau of Public Debt Stephen Cooper301-837-1615
Corporation for National and Community Service Marva Frazier301-837-1717
Court System (Judicial) Stephen Cooper301-837-1615
District Courts of the U.S. Stephen Cooper301-837-1615
Drug Enforcement Administration Stephen Cooper301-837-1615
Executive Office of the U.S. Attorneys Stephen Cooper301-837-1615
Federal Bureau of Investigation Stephen Cooper301-837-1615
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Stephen Cooper301-837-1615
Federal Home Loan Bank Board Stephen Cooper301-837-1615
Federal Housing Finance Board Stephen Cooper301-837-1615
Federal Judicial Center Stephen Cooper301-837-1615
Federal Reserve System Stephen Cooper301-837-1615
Federal Retirement Thrift Investment Board Marva Frazier301-837-1717
Financial Management Service Rebekah Fairbank301-837-0662
Foreign Claims Settlement Commission Marva Frazier301-837-1717
General Services Administration Marva Frazier301-837-1717
Internal Revenue Service Stephen Cooper301-837-1615
Justice, Department of Rebekah Fairbank301-837-0662
Marshals Service Thomas Jenkins301-837-3080
Merit Systems Protection Board Marva Frazier301-837-1717
National Archives and Records Administration Marva Frazier301-837-1717
National Council on Disability Marva Frazier301-837-1717
National Credit Union Administration Marva Frazier301-837-1717
Office of Government Ethics Marva Frazier301-837-1717
Office of Personnel Management Stephen Cooper301-837-1615
Office of Federal Housing Enterprise Oversight Marva Frazier301-837-1717
Office of the Comptroller of the Currency Stephen Cooper301-837-1615
Office of the Special Counsel (Merit Systems Protection Board) Marva Frazier301-837-1717
Office of Thrift Supervision Stephen Cooper301-837-1615
Sentencing Commission Stephen Cooper301-837-1615
State Justice Institute Stephen Cooper301-837-1615
Treasury, Department of the Stephen Cooper301-837-1615
U.S. Attorneys Thomas Jenkins301-837-3080
U.S. Court of International Trade Stephen Cooper301-837-1615
U.S. Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court Stephen Cooper301-837-1615
U.S. Holocaust Memorial Council and Museum Marva Frazier301-837-1717
U.S. Mint Stephen Cooper301-837-1615
U.S. Parole Commission Thomas Jenkins301-837-3080

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The U.S. National Archives and Records Administration
8601 Adelphi Road, College Park, MD 20740-6001
Telephone: 1-86-NARA-NARA or 1-866-272-6272