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Past Updates from the Clinician Registry Listserv

Update Sent August 18, 2008

NOTE: This document is provided for historical purposes only and may not provide our most accurate and up-to-date information. The most current Clinician's information can be found on the Clinician Home Page.

Today's topics Include:

COCA Conference Call TOMORROW: Overview of Bioterrorism Agents

Title: Overview of Bioterrorism Agents
Speaker: CDR William Bower, MD

Date: Tuesday August 19, 2008
Time: 1:00 PM ET - 2:00 PM ET

Please visit our website for the call-in information, objectives, and Continuing Education Credit information. The PowerPoint presentation is also available on our website:

Natural Disaster Preparedness

Resources for Hurricanes and Tornadoes - CDC
In anticipation of Tropical Storm Fay possibly becoming a hurricane and making landfall in Florida this week, we would like to provide you with the following resources.

Hurricane-Related Information for Health Care Professionals:

Hurricane Information for Response and Cleanup Workers:

General Hurricanes Page:

General Tornadoes Page:

Seasonal Influenza

2008-2009 Flu Vaccines: Lot Release Status - FDA - Aug. 13
Flu vaccine lots that have been released by FDA and are available for distribution by the manufacturers. For information on flu vaccine distribution schedules, please contact the manufacturers directly.

Pandemic Influenza

Replication and Transmission of H9N2 Influenza Viruses in Ferrets: Evaluation of Pandemic Potential - CIDRAP - Aug. 14
Scientists have warned it's impossible to predict which avian influenza virus will spark the next pandemic, and while most of the attention has been on highly pathogenic H5N1, one research group is reporting new findings that raise concerns about the threat from the low-pathogenic H9N2 virus. The international group of researchers, mainly from the University of Maryland, published their findings in the August issue of PLoS One (Public Library of Science One). They used ferrets, which have sialic acid receptors in their respiratory tracts resembling those in humans, to explore how H9N2 viruses replicate and transmit.

Full text of PLoS One Journal Article

Immune Correlates of Protection Against Influenza A Viruses in Support of Pandemic Vaccine Development - Transcript Released - FDA - Aug. 12
FDA's Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research, in cooperation with the National Institutes of Health's Division of Intramural Research within the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases and the World Health Organization, held this public workshop which included discussions on: (1) Current knowledge regarding correlates of protection against seasonal influenza, (2) immune responses to avian influenza infections and vaccines for novel influenza viruses in humans, (3) assays to evaluate vaccine immunogenicity, and (4) evaluation of avian influenza vaccine efficacy.  The transcript of this workshop is now available at the following website:

Public Health Legal Preparedness

The National Action Agenda for Public Health Legal Preparedness - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics - Spring 2008 Supplement
The National Action Agenda presents some 100 “action options” that appointed and elected officials may use in assessing their jurisdictions’ and agencies’ legal preparedness for all-hazards public health emergencies and in making appropriate improvements to existing plans. Development of the Action Agenda was sponsored by CDC, the Association of State and Territorial Health Officials, the National Association of County and City Health Officials, the National Emergency Management Association, the National Conference of State Legislatures, the American Bar Association, the American Medical Association, and twelve additional national partner organizations.

 National Firefighter Health Week

National Firefighter Health Week: Aug. 18-22
In order to create awareness around important health issues in the emergency services and encourage first responders to take action, the National Volunteer Fire Council (NVFC), through its groundbreaking Heart-Healthy Firefighter Program, launched National Firefighter Health Week in August 2007. Now in its second year, National Firefighter Health Week is a week-long initiative to educate the fire and emergency services community and the public about heart-health as well as a variety of other health and wellness issues.


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