Rocky Mountain Region, Denver and Albuquerque

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What's New

Stay up-to-date with all the Rocky Mountain news and much more.

NEW! Materials for Teaching

  • New! The Rocky Mountain Regional Archives is in the process of creating primary source document lesson packages using documents from each of the seven states in our region. Learn more

Our Newsletter

The Rocky Mountain Record provides information about upcoming and past events.

Current Issue

Rocky Mountain Record Spring 2009
The new Archives and Records Centers Information System (ARCIS) will replace Centers Information Processing System (CIPS) in Denver on March 23, 2009. Find out how this new system will affect customers requesting records from the Federal Records Center.

Records Management News

New and updated Records Management courses are being offered this year with the option of obtaining certification upon completion.

NEW! Materials for Teaching

  • New! The Rocky Mountain Regional Archives is in the process of creating primary source document lesson packages using documents from each of the seven states in our region. Learn more

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Upcoming Events

Contact Us

NARA's Denver Facility
Select which department you would like to contact:

Rocky Mountain Region Workshops

Our workshop schedule includes new programs that have not been offered in this region before.

The Rocky Mountain Region is reaching out to those agencies with tight travel budgets by offering courses in Colorado, Wyoming, Utah, Montana, South Dakota, North Dakota, and New Mexico.

Check our workshop schedule to see which training is best for you and/or your agency.

 Visit this new online exhibit, featuring holdings from our Regional Archives in Denver, CO.
Enter the Exhibit
Visit our Regional Archives

The U.S. National Archives and Records Administration
8601 Adelphi Road, College Park, MD 20740-6001
Telephone: 1-86-NARA-NARA or 1-866-272-6272