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 Procurement -- Questions and Answers






Doing Business with Maricopa County

If you sell a commodity or service, you may find a market in Maricopa County Government. The Materials Management Department, Procurement Division, contracts for over $140 million in goods and services each year.

The Procurement Division is the central purchasing agency for Maricopa County. The principal objective of the Procurement Division is the acquisition of quality goods and services that meet the County's needs at the lowest price while ensuring a fair and open process. This is accomplished through the use of sound, competitive procurement procedures. The following information has been developed to acquaint you with Maricopa County and assist you in becoming a vendor. This information is intended as a general guide. If you have any questions that are not answered after reviewing this information, please call, email, write, or visit.


All procurement activity conducted by Maricopa County is in accordance with the requirements of the Maricopa County Procurement Code. Vendors agree to be bound by the Maricopa County Procurement Code as part of their solicitation response. The Procurement Code is available on the Materials Management Web Site. Find it at

Vendor Registration

Advantages to Registration
After a vendor's name and commodity code information are added to our vendor list you will receive notification of solicitation opportunities each time a formal solicitation for the commodity codes you identified in your Vendor Registration Application is issued. A formal solicitation is defined as a bid or proposal with an estimated value greater than $50,000. The Vendor List is also used to identify supplies for informal solicitations. Informal solicitations are defined as quotations, and have a value of $50,000 or less. Being added to the Vendor List does not constitute a contract between Maricopa County and your firm. You are not authorized to supply commodities or services to the County strictly by virtue of your name being on the Vendor List. Being added to the Vendor List only signifies your interest in doing business with Maricopa County.


Vendor Qualifications
Vendor qualifications are not reviewed before being added to the Vendor List. There is no determination of whether your firm is a "responsible" vendor. The Procurement Division determines vendor responsibility on an individual solicitation by solicitation basis.


Vendor Registration
The Procurement Division maintains lists of vendors for most commodities and services purchased by Maricopa County. If you wish to be added to this list you must register on-line at the Materials Management web site. To begin registration, go to: To be added to the vendor list, all required information on the Vendor Registration Application Form and the US Government W9 form must be completed. For help in the registration process, go to


Updating the information in my vendor file
It is your responsibility to be sure your vendor file is current and accurate. Instructions for updating vendor files can be found here.

Obtaining Solicitation Information
Viewing the solicitation list By statute Maricopa County must advertise in the County newspaper of record all solicitations with a value greater than $50,000. The advertisement will contain a specific serial number unique to each solicitation, the solicitation title, and the opening date. In addition, all current solicitations are advertised on the Materials Management web page at


Obtaining Solicitations if you are not a registered vendor If you wish to receive a copy of a specific solicitation, there are two methods to accomplish this. Copies of the solicitation can be downloaded from the Materials Management Web page as noted above, either through your PC or by using the PC located in visitor waiting area at Materials Management, or you can call Materials Management at (602) 506-3244 and request that a copy be sent to you.

When you call to request a copy of a solicitation, you are encouraged to have the bid number, title and opening date of the solicitation. This information will allow your request to be handled efficiently.

No formal advertisements are published for procurements of $50,000 or less, or for emergency or sole source procurements. Maricopa County reserves the right to cancel all solicitations at its discretion.


Types of Solicitations
Formal Solicitations

Two methods are used for the majority of procurements conducted by Maricopa County with a value of $50,000 or greater.

  1. Invitation for Bid
  2. Request for Proposals

Both solicitation methods have requirements with which all interested vendors must comply.
Each solicitation has a specified opening date and time printed on the front page. All vendor responses must be received at the location designated no later than that date and time to be considered for award. Vendor responses received after that date and time are returned unopened and are not considered.
Formal solicitations are advertised in two places to notify interested vendors of the contracting opportunity. Each solicitation has a specified opening date and time printed on the front page. All vendor responses must be received at the location designated no later than that date and time to be considered for award. Vendor responses received after that date and time are returned unopened and are not considered. Formal solicitations are advertised in two places to notify interested vendors of the contracting opportunity.

All vendors registered with Maricopa County for the desired commodity or service are reviewed for inclusion when opportunities become available.

Currently, fax and email are NOT appropriate methods of submitting solicitations or bids.
Only hard copy submissions will be accepted.

Informal Solicitations

Informal solicitations are not advertised in the County newspaper of record: and not all vendors registered with Maricopa County for that commodity code will be notified of the requirement.

Two methods used to solicit pricing and other information on purchases of less than $50,000.

  1. Written Quotations
  2. Verbal Quotations

Written quotations can be sent to vendors via fax, and vendor responses can be returned in the same manner.
Verbal quotations are conducted via telephone. Both informal methods have the same integrity as written bids, and are awarded to the lowest responsive and responsible bidder.


Special Purpose Solicitation Types

Maricopa County is authorized to use solicitation methods other than those listed above to acquire services classified as professional services. The solicitation methods are used exclusively for these services.

The following professional services as recognized by Maricopa County:


Clergy Inmate Programs Psychiatrists
Dental Legal Psychologists
Education Nursing Veterinary
Health Practitioners Physical Exams  


Requirements for Solicitations
Items necessary for a solicitation to be accepted

The following information will assist interested vendors in understanding the requirements of solicitation documents issued by Maricopa County. If you have any questions that are not answered after you review a solicitation document, please call the Procurements Specialist listed on the document.


Bidder qualifications

A determination of a bidder's responsiveness and responsibility are made for each vendor submitting a response to a solicitation after the opening date. Responsiveness is defined as delivering the solicitation response to the location designated in the document by the date and time required. Late bids cannot be accepted and will be returned to vendors unopened. This requirement also includes such things as providing required signatures, bonds or surety. This list is not all inclusive and each solicitation must be carefully read to determine the specific requirements. Responsibility is defined as the ability of a vendor to successfully fulfill the requirements of the contract. Factors considered in determining responsibility are experience, financial condition, managerial expertise, past performance history, and other factors contained in the solicitation document. Again, this list is not all inclusive and will change depending upon the magnitude, complexity, and dollar value of the contract.


Terms and Conditions

Vendors are encouraged to carefully read all solicitations because they will be held responsible for understanding the contents and performing accordingly. Each solicitation contains the specifications for the procurement, terms and conditions governing the contract to be awarded, and other information important to document. Vendors should carefully review their response prior to submission to ensure it meets the exact requirements of the solicitation.


Product specifications

Each solicitation contains specifications that define the commodity or service being purchased. To maximize competition, the County attempts to use generic specifications. At times a specification may include the manufacturer, trade name, model number or other information for informational purposes. In these instances a bidder may offer a commodity or service that is certified equal in quality, performance and other essential characteristics. Materials Management will make the final determination on whether the offer is acceptable.


Pre-Solicitation Conferences

Solicitations will occasionally include a pre-solicitation conference. In some instances these conferences are mandatory, and require your attendance if you wish to participate in the solicitation. If a pre-solicitation conference is mandatory, it will be clearly identified as mandatory in the solicitation document. The purpose of these conferences is to provide interested vendors an opportunity to discuss the specifications, terms and conditions, and other information pertinent to the solicitation. It also provides vendors an opportunity to meet the procurement staff responsible for the procurement.


Addendums and Changes to Solicitations

When a change is required on a solicitation for the purpose of providing additional information or clarification, a written addendum will be issued to all vendors who received a copy of the solicitation document or who attended a mandatory pre-solicitation conference. The addendum becomes part of the solicitation document and must be signed and return as part of a vendor's response. Please check periodically to assure that an addendum has not been issued on a solicitation if you intend to respond. All addendum's and other information will be posted on the Materials Management web page.


Surety requirements - definition

Solicitations may require vendors to submit bid or performance surety. Bid surety is to assure that response are presented in good faith and may not be unilaterally withdrawn. Performance surety assures that a contract will be faithfully performed to the level required. If surety is required, the specific conditions contained in the solicitation document will indicate the kind and amount of security. Bid surety must be submitted with the solicitation document and will not be accepted after the opening date and time.


Fulfilling Surety requirements

Types of surety acceptable are: bonds issued by a surety company licensed to do business in the State of Arizona, certified check, cashier's check, or irrevocable letter of credit are acceptable. Personal checks or company checks will not be accepted as surety.


Meeting insurance requirements?

Whenever a solicitation requires that the vendor provide insurance coverage, the successful vendor must furnish a certificate of insurance evidencing the applicable coverage. The time allowed for providing this information will be specified in the solicitation document.


Solicitation validity

Unless otherwise stated in the solicitation document, all vendor responses once opened are considered to be valid for a minimum of 90 days. If the vendor is not notified of an award prior to the expiration of that time, the vendor is not obligated to honor the response submitted and, may unilaterally withdraw from consideration.


Rules for a solicitation response

All responses received from vendors must be completed in ink or typewritten. Responses submitted in pencil will be rejected. When submitting a response assure that all required information has been provided such as surety, pricing sheets, signature page, applicable addendums, samples, and any additional information the vendor wishes to include.


All samples required by a solicitation must be provided as instructed by the solicitation document. Failure to provide required samples or to provide them in accordance with the solicitation requirements may result in the rejection of a vendors solicitation response.


Vendors are responsible for providing all signatures required by the solicitation. Failure to provide required signatures my result in the rejection of a vendors response. All signatures must be in ink and must be from a person authorized to legally bind the vendor.

Response Delivery

All solicitation responses must be received at the specified location by the date and time contained in the solicitation document. Bidders assume full responsibility the delivery of solicitation responses. All responses received after the date and time, will be rejected and returned to the submitting vendor unopened. All solicitations received are opened and read aloud in an open meeting. Vendors are invited to attend the solicitation opening.

Types Of Contracts

Types of contracts Maricopa County uses

There are several types of contracts that may result from the solicitation process. These are discussed below.

Firm Fixed Price Contracts:
This type of contract is awarded for a specific quantity of goods or services. According to the terms of the contract, delivery may be in one or several shipments.

Term or Requirements Contracts:

This type of contract is awarded for anticipated amounts over a specified time period. These contracts are binding for the duration specified but no purchases are guaranteed.

Professional Services Contracts.

Maricopa County publicly advertises all requirements for professional services. Professional services are acquired using alternative competitive solicitation methods that assure demonstrated capability and qualifications at a fair and reasonable price. Professional services are specifically limited to those services approved by the Board of Supervisors.

Following is a list of professional services recognized by Maricopa County.


Clergy Inmate Programs Psychiatrists
Dental Legal Psychologists
Education Nursing Veterinary
Health Practitioners Physical Exams  

Contractual Services Contracts.

The County contracts for other services that are not defined as professional services. These include; equipment maintenance, janitorial, computer programming, landscaping, and others. Invitations for Bids and Requests for Proposals are the solicitation methods used for these contracts.

The Award Process

Solicitation Awards

All awards of $250,000 or greater are approved by the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors on a formal agenda.
Awards of less than $250,000 are awarded by the Director of Materials Management.

Solicitation Rejection/Cancellation

Maricopa County reserves the unilateral right to reject any and all responses received, and to cancel solicitations when it is in the best interest of the County.

Vendor Responsibilities

Vendor Responsibilities in Contract Performance

After a vendor has been awarded a contract, full compliance with the specifications, terms and conditions, delivery, and pricing is expected. To assure compliance, contracts will be randomly monitored to determine whether performance problems or issues exist. Contracts are viewed as a partnership between the contractor and Maricopa County. Each contractor is expected to bring problems and issues to the attention of Maricopa County at the earliest opportunity.

Non-Performing Contractor

Contracts of non-performing contractors will be cancelled by Maricopa County if compliance with the contract cannot be achieved. In addition to cancellation, Maricopa County may hold the contractor liable for damages that result from non-performance, over-charges, and/or additional expense Maricopa County might incur to fulfill its requirements. Based on the magnitude of problems encountered, Maricopa County reserves the right to suspend or disbar vendors from participation in County contracting activities for specified lengths of time.

Changes or modifications in the contract?

Occasionally, after a contract has been awarded, circumstances arise which require the contract to be changed or modified. If the contract provides for changes or modifications, this is accomplished by a written change order or contract amendment which is sent to the vendor. The County does not recognize or agree to be bound by changes or modifications which are not in writing issued by Materials Management.

If you have any questions regarding request to perform services outside the scope to the original contract, contact the Procurement Specialist identified in the contract document for clarification.

Contact Materials Management

The Department of Materials Management is open from 8:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. Monday through Friday, excepting holidays. Vendors are encouraged to meet with the Procurement Staff. Please call to make an appointment if you are interested in visiting.

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Maricopa County Materials Management Procurement Division
320 West Lincoln Street
Phoenix, AZ 85003
Telephone:(602) 506-3967 -- Fax: (602) 258-1573


It is Maricopa County's policy to endeavor to provide access and accommodations to everyone upon request, regardless of disability.

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