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Earth system visioning process
ICSU is spearheading a process to engage the scientific community to explore options and to propose implementation steps for a holistic strategy on the Earth system research... (27-04-09) 

Ecosystem Change and Human Well-being
The ICSU-UNESCO-UNU report on Ecosystem Change and Human Well-being is now available. This provides the rationale for the development of a major new interdisciplinary research initiative as part of the follow-up to the Millenium Ecosystem Assessment... (13-03-09) 

Press Release: Polar research reveals new evidence of global environmental change
Multidisciplinary research from the International Polar Year (IPY) 2007-2008 provides new evidence of the widespread effects of global warming in the polar regions. Snow and ice are declining in both polar regions, affecting human livelihoods as well as local plant and animal life in the Arctic, as well as global ocean and atmospheric circulation and sea level. These are but a few findings reported in “State of Polar Research”, released today by the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) and the International Council for Science (ICSU)... (25-02-09) 

Committee on Freedom and Responsibility in the conduct of Science
Report of the fifth meeting of the Committee on Freedom and Responsibility in the conduct of Science now available... (18-02-09) 

World Social Sciences Forum
The first World Social Sciences Forum will take place in Bergen, Norway on 10-12 May, 2009. It is organised by the International Social Sciences Council and will include sessions on key ICSU priority areas, including environmental change, natural hazards and Universality... (17-02-09) 

Changing the guard: ICSU's new Executive Director in place
The International Council for Science (ICSU) welcomes Professor Deliang Chen as Executive Director from 1 February 2009. Professor Chen will provide critical leadership as ICSU moves into the exciting second stage of its Strategic Plan 2006–2011... (04-02-09) 

International Year of Astronomy 2009: Official Launch
The official launch of the International Year of Astronomy 2009 (IYA2009) took place at UNESCO in Paris, 15-16 January. The event was webcast live around the world... (15-01-09) 

Jane Lubchenco, former President of ICSU, to head NOAA
US President-Elect Barack Obama has nominated Jane Lubchenco, former President of ICSU, as the Administrator of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) (22-12-08) 

ICSU Newsletter – Insight
The latest ICSU newsletter is available... (16-12-08) 

ICSU welcomes new Members
ICSU is pleased to welcome new Members to the ICSU family—the Dominican Republic, Lao PDR, the International Union of Immunological Societies, and the Society for Social Studies of Science... (05-12-08) 

Press release: Nobel Prize winning scientist elected as future President of the International Council for Science
Professor Yuan Tseh Lee, a Nobel Prize winning chemist from China: Taipei has been elected as the future President of the International Council for Science (ICSU). A world leader in the field of chemical dynamics, Lee was elected by representatives from ICSU’s 114 National Members and 29 International Scientific Unions at the 29th General Assembly in Maputo, Mozambique, 21–24 October... (07-11-08) 

New CGIAR-ESSP Climate Change Challenge Programme
The Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR) and the Earth System Science Partnership (ESSP) have announced a new Challenge Programme on ‘Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security’. Professor Thomas Rosswall, the Executive Director of ICSU, has been appointed Chair of the new Programme. Applications are invited for the position of Director of the programme... (07-11-06) 

ICSU elects new Executive Board
A new Executive Board was elected by representatives from ICSU’s 114 National Members and 29 International Scientific Unions at the 29th General Assembly in Maputo, Mozambique, 21-24 October... (30-10-08) 

Press release: International science community agrees on first steps to establish a global virtual library for scientific data
Scientific organizations representing over one hundred and thirty countries have agreed to overhaul existing world data centres and services to create a World Data System. The decision was made today at the 29th ICSU General Assembly in Maputo, Mozambique... (23-10-08) 

Press release: Global scientific community affirms its shared responsibilities for the integrity of science and its role in society
In the light of recent high profile cases of scientific misconduct, the General Assembly of the International Council for Science (ICSU) today reaffirmed the universal values that should guide the conduct of science. The Assembly also explicitly recognised the key social responsibilities of the scientific community as laid out in a new booklet, which will be made widely available to scientists across the world... (23-10-08) 

Press release: Natural and social sciences – ICSU embraces the need to work more closely together
The global scientific community has agreed that natural and social sciences must work together to help solve key global challenges facing society. That’s the message in a report delivered today at the 29th ICSU General Assembly in Maputo, Mozambique... (23-10-08) 

Press release: ICSU launches new programme to understand the human impact on Earth’s life-support systems
The global scientific community has approved a new international research programme to fill in some of the crucial knowledge gaps identified in the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment. 'Ecosystem Change and Human Well-being' was announced today at the 29th ICSU General Assembly in Maputo, Mozambique... (22-10-08) 

Press release: International Council for Science (ICSU) launches major research programme on natural disasters
In response to the urgent need to reduce the impacts of natural disasters, ICSU has launched a new, 10-year, international research programme designed to address the gaps in the knowledge and methods that are preventing the effective application of science to averting disasters and reducing risk. 'Integrated Research on Disaster Risk' was announced today at the 29th ICSU General Assembly in Maputo, Mozambique... (22-10-08) 

Freedom, Responsibility and Universality of Science: booklet available
The ICSU Committee on Freedom and Responsibility in the conduct of Science (CFRS) has published a booklet which identifies key responsibilities of scientists and provides a framework for discussion and debate. The booklet, ‘Freedom, Responsibility and Universality of Science’ is available online... (15-10-08) 

Statement on promoting the integrity of science
The Committee on Freedom and Responsibility in the conduct of Science (CFRS) has produced a statement calling for actions to ensure the integrity of science and the scientific record... (19-09-08) 

Scientific Committee on Problems of the Environment (SCOPE) Review: report available
'A Review of the Scientific Committee on Problems of the Environment (SCOPE)' prepared by Professor Geoffrey Oldham for the International Council for Science (ICSU) is available... (16-09-08) 

Ad hoc Strategic Committee on Information and Data (SCID): final report available
'Ad hoc Strategic Committee on Information and Data: Final Report to the ICSU Committee on Scientific Planning and Review' is available... (16-09-08) 

Review of the Earth System Science Partnership (ESSP): report available
'ICSU-IGFA Review of the Earth System Science Partnership (ESSP)' report is available (16-09-08) 

ISPRS Congress approves Beijing Declaration
The International Society for Photgrammetry and Remote Sensing (ISPRS) has released a statement calling on international communities to work together to promote the peaceful use of geospatial technology for the benefit of society and the environment. The statement, the 'Beijing Declaration', was approved by delegates at the ISPRS Congress in Beijing in July... (28-08-08) 

Integrated Research on Disaster Risk: report available
'A Science Plan for Integrated Research on Disaster Risk: addressing the challenge of natural and human-induced environmental hazards', the report from the ICSU Planning Group on Natural and Human-induced Environmental Hazards and Disasters, is now available... (22-08-08) 

Annual Report 2007
ICSU's 2007 Annual Report is now available... (22-08-08) 

New National Members
ICSU is pleased to welcome three new National Members from Africa—Burkina Faso, Namibia and Uganda... (30-07-08) 

Statement on publication practices and peer review
The Committee on Freedom and Responsibility in the conduct of Science (CFRS) has released a statement on publication practices and indices and the role of peer review in research assessment... (30-07-08) 

ICSU endorses the International Year of Astronomy (IYA 2009)
The Executive Board of ICSU at its last meeting endorsed the International Year of Astronomy 2009. The International Astronomical Union (IAU), a Member of ICSU, launched 2009 as the International Year of Astronomy (IYA2009) under the theme "The Universe, yours to discover". (16-07-08) 


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