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Cleveland Electronic Crimes Task Force

Electronic Crimes Task Force image - Cleveland
The Cleveland Electronic Crimes Task Force (CECTF) provides a forum for the exchange of information covering a broad and diverse range of Information Technology (IT) topics. CECTF members constitute a diverse cross-section of manufacturing and critical infrastructure industries, government agencies, academic institutions and enforcement bureaus within Northern Ohio.

The specific goal of the CECTF is the development of partnerships where common issues pertaining to the security and safeguarding of an industry's or organization's intellectual property, financial information/data and proprietary information can be discussed in an open forum with the intent of leveraging the knowledge of a diverse group. Such knowledge is then shared among members as a series of best practices that can be applied to a business or organization's IT security model.

Meeting Information
For information regarding the next quarterly meeting of the Cleveland Electronic Crimes Task Force, contact the U.S. Secret Service, Cleveland Field Office.

Contact Information
Cleveland Electronic Crimes Task Force
Phone: 216-706-4365
Fax: 216-706-4445
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