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Chapter 9: Housing PDF Print E-mail
Written on Friday, 21 November 2008
Last Updated on Tuesday, 10 March 2009

Article Index
Chapter 9: Housing
9.1 What's New
9.2 Physical Facilities Required for Tangibles
9.3 Equipment for Accessing the Collection
9.4 Proper Handling of Materials
9.5 What's Needed for Proper Handling of Materials
9.6 Handling Specific Media Types
9.7 Various Types of Housing Arrangements
9.8 Tips and Lessons Learned
9.9 You Don't Have to...
9.10 Important
All Pages

9.3 Equipment Needed for Accessing the Collection

  • Your depository library MUST have adequate equipment for the public and staff to view and use government information in all formats. The capability to download, copy, and print government information MUST be provided.
  • Microfiche readers and reader-printers MUST be available to the public if that format is available in your depository collection.
  • To help you make informed equipment purchases that best achieve the goal of providing public access to Federal Government information in a variety of electronic formats, the Government Printing Office issues the “Recommended Specifications for Public Access Workstations in Federal Depository Libraries” which becomes minimum technical requirements (MTR). The latest specifications and minimum technical requirements are available at Workstation Specifications.
  • Your Federal depository library's public access workstations MUST meet the MTR to keep pace with technological change and be knowledgeable about Federal agency information delivery practices in order to fulfill their Title 44 obligation to provide access to Government information products. You will find these guidelines are aimed at providing reasonably robust workstations that should provide years of service before they become obsolete; however, GPO encourages the purchase of equipment that exceeds these specifications, if economically feasible.
  • Not all public workstations at your depository library must meet the MTR. Your depository will NEED an appropriate number of workstations to meet or exceed user demand for public access to government information; the number of workstations is determined by size of your library and the amount of onsite usage. However, a personal computer that meets or exceeds the latest MTR is highly recommended for use by your depository staff to ensure effective depository administration.
  • Microform equipment can be expensive, and the amount of equipment required to service a given microform collection will vary depending on usage and your library’s resources. It is important that your depository have extra projection lamps, microform glassware, and other spare parts for maintaining and servicing the equipment. Your depository library should designate a staff member to be in charge of the library’s microform equipment, become familiar with it, and be available to perform basic repairs and maintenance.
  • It is strongly encouraged that your depository has at least one reader-printer capable of making clear, legible paper copies from microfiche publications. Additional microfiche readers are recommended as needed to accommodate increased levels of use. Your will find cleaning the readers weekly for fingerprints and dusk produces the best image possible for users; spare light bulbs should be kept near the reader so that used bulbs can be quickly and easily replaced. Equipment that scans microforms and allows for printing, saving to disk, or e-mailing can provide more flexibility for your users. Regionals should be able to provide microfiche copies, or otherwise have the means to provide the microfiche content, to selectives upon request.