Home > Depository Administration > FDLP Handbook > Chapter 10: Staffing
Chapter 10: Staffing PDF Print E-mail
Written on Tuesday, 25 November 2008
Last Updated on Tuesday, 10 March 2009

Article Index
Chapter 10: Staffing
10.1 What’s New
10.2 Responsible Officials and their Roles
10.3 Staffing Level Recommendations
10.4 Staff Responsibilities
10.5 Training Opportunities
10.6 Tips and Lessons Learned
10.7 You Don't Have to...
10.8 Important
All Pages

10.5 Training Opportunities

Your library is responsible for providing training related to the depository responsibilities of all of the staff involved in depository operations. Opportunities and resources should be provided for the initial and continuing education of both professional and paraprofessional staff. Staff within the depository and throughout the larger library should be sufficiently trained and knowledgeable to provide depository services to the general public. Additionally, training and mentoring could be offered to staff at neighboring or related non-depository libraries to promote the depository as a resource and improve access to government information to the public.

In order to ensure an efficient and effective depository operation, staff who have depository responsibilities should also keep up-to-date on new developments through participation in professional organizations, e-mail discussion groups, attendance at workshops, and professional reading. Depository staff should also attend local and national meetings devoted to depository-related issues.