Office of the Chief Information Officer &
High Performance Computing and Communications

NOAA Web Infrastructure Policy: Provision of Internet Services
This policy is issued by the NOAA Chief Information Officer.
Certified by: CIO Council
DATES: Effective date:  September 29, 2003. Last Revision: August 19, 2008.
NOAA Web Policies Home

Provision of Internet Services

An agreement between the participating organizations is required for NOAA to provide Internet services for an external organization, or for an external organization to provide Internet services for NOAA. The agreement must:

Purpose and Authority:
The purpose of this policy is to ensure that NOAA Internet resources are used only to support NOAA’s mission and to prevent the creation of unauthorized performance obligations.

This policy applies to Internet services provided by NOAA to an external organization, and to Internet services provided by an external organization to NOAA.

Terms and Discussion:
Internet Services include hosting of Web pages, Web sites, Internet discussion forums, list servers, email-based collaboration services, and any other Internet-based service. [Transactional and programmatic legal authorities means laws and regulations granting government legal authority for activity, e.g., NWS Organic Act, 15 U.S.C. 313, OMB A-76, Economy Act, etc.]

The domain may be used only for sites that are fully compliant with NOAA and DOC policies.

Powerpoint presentation about this policy
Sample Joint Project Agreement
Template for Joint Project Agreement

Summary of Revisions

August 19, 2008: Added link to main NOAA Web policies page. Authority reference removed.

January 9, 2008:  
Added Resources to aid in compliance.

October 29, 2007:  References to W-1 and W-2 (W-naming) removed.

March 1, 2006:  The url for NAO 212-14 was updated.

July 21, 2005:  The wording was revised to clarify the original policy dated September 29, 2003. The title was changed from Internet Services to Provision of Internet Services. A sentence was moved regarding the domain name from Section 1 to Terms and Discussion.  A statement was added in the policy that reads: The agreement must be reviewed and approved by the NOAA Chief Information Office. The Scope was revised and now states to which services this policy applies. (Link to previous version: