GFDL - Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory

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Presentations, Seminars, and External Talks (2007)

10/2/2006 K. Dixon "Simulating the Arctic in Global Climate Models: Successes and Remaining Challenges" Transatlantic Science Week 2006 research conference Washington, DC
10/3/2006 K. Dixon "Climate Change - Arctic and Global Scenarios" Transatlantic Science Week conference Washington, DC
10/4/2006 K. Dixon "The GFDL Data Portal- Serving GFDL's data products to its customers" National Academies of Science (NAS), National Research Council (NRC), Committee on Archiving and Accessing Environmental and Geospatial Data Washington, DC
10/10/2006 V. Ramaswamy "Stratosphere's Effect on Troposphere due to Human Emissions" SPARC Scientific Steering Group Meeting Boulder, CO
10/12/2006 Tom Knutson "Modeling Atlantic Hurricane Activity on Multi-year to Decadal Time Scales using a New Dynamical Modeling Approach" 1st RMS "Eyewall Symposium" on Atlantic Hurricane Hazards New York, NY
10/12/2006 Tim Marchok "Methods and skill in real time forecasting of storm track, intensity and rainfall" Symposium on Hurricane Science sponsored by Risk Management Solutions, Inc. New York, NY
10/15/2006 Gabriel Vecchi "Observing System Simulation Experiment Design" GODAE Symposium on Ocean Data Assimilation & Prediction in Asia-Oceania Beijing, China
10/17/2006 Paul Ginoux "Reconstruction of dust emission for the last century" AeroCom Virginia Beach, VA
10/18/2006 Tom Knutson "Global warming and hurricanes" NYU New York, NY
10/20/2006 V. Ramaswamy "20th Century Climate Change: Understanding the Causes and Mechanisms" Dept. of Geological Sciences, U. Pennsylvania Philadelphia, PA
10/24/2006 Tom Delworth "Atlantic Decadal Predictability" Climate Diagnostics Workshop Boulder, CO
10/24/2006 W. Stern "Assessing seasonal-to-interannual prediction skill and predictability from a hierarchy of atmospheric and coupled GCM ensemble forecasts" 30th Annual Climate Diagnostics & Prediction Workshop State College, PA
11/2/2006 K. Dixon "Climate Change: A Scientific Briefing" National Weather Service Eastern Region Warning Coordination Meteorologists monthly conference call Given remotely from GFDL, Princeton, NJ
11/1/2006 Ron Stouffer
CCSP Workshop for Chapter 3.3. Extremes Honolulu, HI
11/6/2006 John Dunne "Ocean biogeochemical cycling in GFDL's Earth System Model" U. Maryland Earth System Science Interdisciplinary Center College Park, MD
11/6/2006 V. Ramaswamy "The observed evolution of cooling in the earth's lower stratosphere: Understanding the causal mechanisms" Earth System Science Partnership - Global Environmental Change Open Science Conference Beijing, China
11/9/2006 V. Ramaswamy "Diagnosing the roles of aerosols in global and regional climate change WCRP-JSC Executive Meeting Beijing, China
11/14/2006 V. Ramaswamy "Recent results from the GFDL 20th Century climate change simulations: South Asia" Workshop on Indian Region Climate Change Madras, India
11/15/2006 John Dunne
Climate Impacts on the California Current Ecosystems La Jolla, CA
11/16/2006 Tom Delworth "Simulation of Atlantic multidecadal variability and its global climate impact with the GFDL SM2.1 climate model" Workshop on Multidecadal to Centennial Global Climate Variability Honolulu, HI
11/23/2006 Tom Knutson "Possible Relationships Between Climate Change and Tropical Cyclone Activity" 6th International Workshop on Tropical Cyclones San José, Costa Rica
11/28/2006 John Dunne "Towards Earth System Modeling: Bringing GFDL to life" Australian Community Climate System Simulator (ACCESS) - Challenges and Opportunities Melbourne, Australia
11/29/2006 Paul Ginoux "Reconstruction of dust emission and distribution for the 20th Century" GEIA 2006 Open Conference Paris, France
12/6/2006 V. Ramaswamy "Anthropogenic and natural influences in the evolution of lower stratospheric cooling" SUNY-Stony Brook Stony Brook, NY
12/7/2006 Isaac Held "Robust responses of the hydrological cycle to global warming" Seminar at Max Planck Institut Hamburg, Germany
12/11/2006 V. Ramaswamy "Climate response to warm cloud-aerosol interactions: Comparisons with direct aerosol and WMGGs impacts" AGU Fall Meeting San Francisco, CA
12/11/2006 Paul Ginoux "William T. Pecora award" AGU Fall Meeting San Francisco, CA
12/12/2006 Tom Knutson "Climate Change: Science & Implications" PSE&G's Executive Officers Group Newark, NJ
12/12/2006 Arlene Fiore "Connecting Climate and Air Quality: Tropospheric Ozone Response to Methane Emission Controls" AGU Fall Meeting San Francisco, CA
12/13/2006 Arlene Fiore "Producing Science to Inform Policy on Hemispheric Transport of Air Pollution" AGU Fall Meeting San Francisco, CA
12/13/2006 Tom Delworth "Impact of Atlantic multidecadal variability on regional and hemispheric climate" AGU Fall Meeting San Francisco, CA
12/13/2006 John Wilson "The simulation of transient eddies and frontal systems in the Martian atmosphere" AGU Fall Meeting San Francisco, CA
12/13/2006 S-J. Lin "Development of the seamless global-regional GFDL climate-weather model" AGU Fall Meeting San Francisco, CA
12/13/2006 H. Levy II "Impact of air pollution on mineral aerosol deposition, soluble Fe flux and ocean biogeochemistry" AGU Fall Meeting San Francisco, CA
12/14/2006 H. Levy II "Short-lived radiative species at the intersection of climate and air quality" AGU Fall Meeting San Francisco, CA
12/14/2006 G. Vecchi "Robust projections of vertical wind shear changes for the 21st Century" AGU Fall Meeting San Francisco, CA
12/15/2006 G. Vecchi "Global warming and the weakening of the tropical circulation" AGU Fall Meeting San Francisco, CA
1/8/2007 Arlene Fiore "Reducing hemispheric background ozone with methane controls: Impact on Arctic radiative forcing" GISS-CATF Arctic Workshop New York, NY
1/8/2007 V. Ramaswamy "Heating rates from the GFDL GCM simulations" DOS-ARM Radiative Heating Profile Workshop San Diego, CA
1/10/2007 V. Ramaswamy "WCRP strategic planning" CCSP Meeting Washington, DC
1/10/2007 Tom Delworth "Simulated atmosphere/ocean variations associated with multidecadal MVC fluctuations" Workshop on Ocean Observation: Model Comparisons Miami, FL
1/11/2007 A. Rosati "How well are ocean data assimilation systems capturing the meridional heat transport and its variability" Observation-model Atlantic Decadal Workshop Miami, FL
1/15/2007 G. Lau "Two complimentary views of the atmospheric general circulation: The zonal-mean and zonally asymmetric perspectives" Gene Rasmussen Symposium San Antonio, TX
1/17/2006 G. Lau "Simulation of East-Asian monsoon weather and climate using a high-resolution global GCM" Annual Meeting of AMS San Antonio, TX
1/17/2007 T. Delworth "Simulation of ocean circulation and heat content changes attributable to increasing greenhouse gases and aerosols" Annual Meeting of AMS San Antonio, TX
1/18/2007 Arlene Fiore "Multimodel assessment of hemispheric transport of ozone" Atmospheric Chemistry & Climate Meeting Ispra, Italy
2/5/2007 T. Delworth "Simulation of 20th Century climate change with GFDL's CM2 climate models" University of Toronto Toronto, Ontario, Canada
2/6/2007 J. Dunne "GFDL's ocean biogeochemistry model" Skill Assessment of Plankton Functional Type Models on a Global Scale Plymouth, UK
2/6/2007 G. Vecchi "Global warming & the weakening of tropical circulation" NCAR Boulder, CO
2/13/2007 A. Wittenberg "Addressing tropical biases in the GFDL coupled climate models" 3rd WGNE Workshop on Systematic Errors in Climate & NWP Models San Francisco, CA
2/13/2007 Isaac Held "Rotating radiative-convective equilibria" UCLA Institute for Pure & Applied Mathematics / On Hurricane Dynamics Los Angeles, CA
2/28/2007 K. Dixon "Computer modeling of the global climate and its role in the assessment of climate change" Pittsburgh Conference on Analytical Chemistry & Spectroscopy (ACE) Chicago, IL
2/28/2007 G. Vecchi "Robust increase in tropical Atlantic wind shear under global warming" University of Miami Miami, FL
2/28/2007 A. Fiore "Air quality and climate connections" New York Academy of Sciences Meeting on Air under the Green Science and Environmental Systems Initiative New York, NY
2/28/2007 T. Delworth "Summary of Atlantic decadal workshops (Miami & Princeton)" CCSM Advisory Board Meeting Arlington, VA
3/1/2007 S-J. Lin "NOAA/GFDL's next generation climate-weather modeling system" 9th International Workshop on Next Generation Climate Models for Advanced High Performance Computing Facilities Honolulu, HI
3/7/2007 K. Dixon "Climate change: A scientific briefing" NOAA/NWS Eastern Region MIC/HIC Annual Conference Port Jefferson, NY
3/8/2007 G. Vecchi "Observing system assessment for the Indian Ocean: State estimation and predictability impacts" Asia-Pacific Climate Center Symposium Tokyo and Hakone, Japan
3/13/2007 T. Knutson "Are there detectable trends in tropical cyclone activity?" International ad-hoc Detection Attribution Group Meeting Durham, NC
3/14/2007 G. Lau "Impact of secular warming trends in the Indian-western Pacific Ocean on the responses of North American climate to El Nino and La Nina" International Climate of the 20th Century Project Workshop Exeter, UK
3/14/2007 I. Orlanski "Lectures on mechanisms for climate variability and climate change" ICTP Workshop on the Science of Climate Change Buenos Aires, Argentina
3/14/2007 H. Levy II "Atmospheric chemistry of greenhouse gases" ICTP Workshop on the Science of Climate Change Buenos Aires, Argentina
3/15/2007 V. Ramaswamy "Radiation and climate change" Workshop on Interdisciplinary Science of Climate Changes: Basic Elements Buenos Aires, Argentina
3/20/2007 Isaac Held "A large-scale perspective on the response of the Sahbl to Global Warming" Workshop on African Climate Change at Columbia University New York, NY
3/27/2007 R. Stouffer "Modeling of abrupt climate change" CCSP 3.4 Abrupt Climate Change Washington, DC
3/28/2007 A. Fiore "Connecting Climate and Air Quality: The contribution of methane to hemispheric ozone pollution" CAOS Colloquium at NYU New York, NY
4/2/2007 Paul Ginoux "Outstanding Issues in Modeling Dust Sources" Collaborative Research on the Modeling of Dust Sources Greenbelt, MD
4/5/2007 A. Fiore "Tropospheric ozone response to methane emission controls: Implications for climate & global air quality" IGERT Joint Program Colloquium at Columbia University New York, NY
4/6/2007 T. Knutson "Hurricanes & climate change" Summit on Climate Change sponsored by the Tokio Group Insurance Company Atlanta, GA
4/12/2007 A. Gnanadesikan "Connections Between Ocean Color and Ocean Vertical Exchange" Ocean Color Research Team (NASA) Seattle, WA
4/12/2007 A. Fiore "Update on the TFHTAP multi-model assessment of O3 source-receptor relationships" GEOS-Chem Users Meeting Cambridge, MA
4/15/2007 L. Donner "Convective dynamics & aerosol-cloud interactions" European Geoscience Union Annual Meeting Vienna, Austria
4/15/2007 R. Zhang "The impact of the Atlantic Ocean variability on Indian summer monsoon rainfall" European Geoscience Union Annual Meeting Vienna, Austria
4/16/2007 R. Zhang "Influence of the Atlantic Ocean on the Northern Pacific multidecadal climate variability" European Geoscience Union Annual Meeting Vienna, Austria
4/19/2007 L. Donner "Interactions among clouds, water vapor, aerosols and sub-grid vertical velocities in the GFDL atmospheric GCM" CFMIP Paris, France
4/23/2007 T. Knutson "Atlantic hurricane activity - A modeling perspective" AIR Worldwide's 2007 Spring Conference Roundtable on Atlantic Hurricane Activity" Boca Raton, FL
5/2/2007 W. Stern "Seasonal to Interannual Climate Predictability Studies at GFDL" M.I.T. Oceanography and Climate Seminar Series Cambridge, MA
5/7/2007 T. Knutson "Simulations of Atlantic hurricane activity: Past and future" MIT Atmospheric Sciences Dept. Cambridge, MA
5/15/2007 V. Ramaswamy "A Presentation of the UN IPCC Climate Change 2007 Report" NJ Medowlands Commission Science Symposium Lyndhurst, NJ
5/16/2007 V. Ramaswamy "Preparing for Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) AR 5" National Academies of Science (NAS) Climate Research Committee Meeting Washington, DC
5/17/2007 T. Knutson "Hurricanes & Global Warming: State Side of Science" Seminar at University of Southern Mississippi Gulfport, MS
5/21/2007 V. Ramaswamy "Climate Research Challenges for NOAA in the Future" NOAA Climate Board Retreat Chicago, IL
5/22/2007 G. Vecchi "Global warming and the weakening of the tropical circulation" American Geophysical Union Spring 2007 Meeting Acapulco, Mexico
5/30/2007 P. Ginoux "African Dust and North Atlantic Climate" Yoram Kaufman Symposium on Aerosol, Clouds, and Climate Greenbelt, MD
6/3/2007 A. Rosati "Ocean Initialization and Seasonal Prediction" World Climate Research Program Workshop on Seasonal Prediction Barcelona, Spain
6/18/2007 G. Vecchi "Global Warming and the Slowing of Tropical Circulation" US-Italy Bilateral Meeting on Climate Change Washington, DC
6/19/2007 A. Wittenberg "Addressing Tropical Biases in the GFDL Coupled Climate Models" 12th Annual Community Climate System Model Workshop Breckenridge, CO
6/19/2007 B. Wyman "Initial Results and Performance of the GFDL Cubed-Sphere Model" 12th Annual Community Climate System Model Workshop Breckenridge, CO
6/19/2007 A. Rosati "Decadal Predictability and Prediction" 12th Annual Community Climate System Model Workshop Breckenridge, CO
6/21/2007 I. Held "Climate Change Projections for Africa" Conference on "Risky Climate: Disaster Preparedness and Foreign Policy in the 21th Century" Arlington, VA
6/24/2007 S. Friedenreich "Analysis of Mean State and Variability at the Surface in the GFDL Coupled GCM Using Gewex-Radiative Flux Assessment Data" 3rd Workshop for Gewex Radiative Flux Assessment New York, NY
6/25/2007 I. Held "Rotating Radiative-Convective Equilibria" American Meteorological Society Fluid Dynamics of Atmospheres and Oceans Santa Fe, NM
6/29/2007 G. Vecchi "The Slowdown of Tropical Circulation Under Global Warming" International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics(IUGG) Conference Perugia, Italy
7/7/2007 T. Knutson "Atlantic Hurricanes and Climate Change" International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics(IUGG) Conference Perugia, Italy
7/8/2007 V. Ramaswamy "Anthropogenic and Natural Influences in the Evolution of Stratospheric Temperature" International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics(IUGG) Conference Perugia, Italy
7/9/2007 R. Wilson "Thermal Tides in on Assimilation of Three Years of Thermal Emission Spectrometer Data from Mars Global Surveyor"
Pasadena, CA
7/22/2007 M. Westley "Predicting Changes in the Oceanic Nitrous Oxide Cycle with Changes in the Volume and Extent of Suboxia" Ocean Carbon and Biochemistry Workshop Woods Hole, MA
7/22/2007 J. Dunne "Carbon System Prediction: Approaches Challenges and Opportunities for Earth Systems Modeling" Ocean Carbon and Biochemistry Workshop Woods Hole, MA
7/25/2007 T. Knutson "Hurricances and Climate" Board of Directors of Platinum Re. Bermuda
7/29/2007 V. Ramaswamy "The Challenges of Earth Systems Modeling" Colby-Sawyer College New London, NH
7/30/2007 G. Lau "Influence of the SST Conditions in the Indo-Western Pacific on Global Climate Variability" University of Washington Seattle, WA
9/30/2007 T. Knutson "Hurricanes and Climate" Statistical & Applied Mathematical Sciences Institute (SAMSI) Research Triangle Park, NC