2005 GSD Web Awards Announced

Name: Jeff Smith (FRB)
Web Site: WRF Portal – Best New Site

WRF Portal is a Java GUI application that simplifies the configuring and running of WRF models. It includes the WRFSI GUI Tool that allows you to graphically select and define your domain. Additionally, WRF Portal allows you to see the differences between two different model configurations, tracks the progress of the model run, and searches your past configurations.

Name: Minna Win Gildenmeister (AB)
Web Site: ADDS Meteorological Text Server – Best Product

Since the Aviation Digital Data Service (ADDS) became operational, requests for text products were constituting more than half the volume of data provided by ADDS. The large number of requests for text products burdened ADDS because of the excessive bandwidth that was required. The new text server significantly improves the efficiency of this service.

Name: Glen Pankow (ITS)
Web Site: GRIB Data Viewer – Best Internal Use

Information and Technology Services (ITS) retrieves data in the World Meteorological Organization's GRIdded Binary (GRIB) format from a disparate set of providers, processes these and other GRIB data produced within ITS, and stores them short term on an NFS appliance and long term on the Mass Store System (MSS).

This gribviewer application provides an interface to browse the GRIB holdings currently stored on the NFS appliance. Near real-time data files may be browsed, and in addition, stub files of data no longer being actively retrieved may be browsed.

Name: Bill Moninger (FRB)
Web Site: AMDAR Data Display – Most Improved

This application has extended to global data over the past year, with widespread international usage. Bill has coordinated with users, the international aircraft data community, and carriers themselves to improve its use, especially over Africa, Asia, Europe, and South America. This site is considered to be far and away the best Web site on global aircraft data anywhere.