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Case: Cosco Busan, CA

Date of incident: November 7, 2007.

Location: Central San Francisco Bay, California.


Case status: Immediately following the release of oil, the Natural Resource Damage Assessment (NRDA) Trustees arrived on scene to begin the time-critical assessment of natural resource injuries. The Trustees are working in cooperation with representatives from the Responsible Party. The ongoing NRDA efforts have been organized to focus field efforts on a number of critical resource categories, including fish, birds, marine mammals, beaches, wetlands, eelgrasses, rocky intertidal habitat, human use and cultural/historical resources. These multiple specialized resource teams have been in the field collecting the time critical data necessary to document information about degrees of oiling in each of these habitats, oil toxicity, observations of dead and oiled wildlife, and other impacts that will ultimately be used to scale appropriate restoration in the NRDA.

Overview:  The container ship M/V Cosco Busan struck a portion of the fendering system for the Delta Tower of the San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge in San Francisco Bay, CA, at 08:30 PST November 7, 2007. The collision tore a large gash in the hull of the vessel, and 58,000 gal of fuel oil (IFO 380) was released into the water. The oil quickly spread to other parts of San Francisco Bay and the outer coast (north and south of the Golden Gate), washing ashore along many miles of sensitive coastline, including beaches, rocky intertidal habitats, coastal lagoons and wetlands.


  The container ship M/V Cosco Busan after striking the San Francisco Oakland Bay Bridge (Photo provided by US Coast Guard District 11 Public Affairs)
The container ship M/V Cosco Busan after striking the San Francisco Oakland Bay Brdige (Photo provided by US Coast Guard District 11 Public Affairs)

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