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Case: Bermuda Islander, DE

Date of incident: April 25, 2006.

Location: Shoreline of Delaware Bay.


Case status: Settlement reached, restoration planning underway.

Overview: On April 25, 2006, an approximately six-mile-long oil slick in Delaware Bay was reported by a tugboat crewman. A few days later, a sample of the released oil was matched to an oil sample taken from a container ship, the Bermuda Islander. The total volume of oil released and the cause of the release are unknown. The spill impacted approximately 40 miles of the western shoreline (Delaware side) and less than one mile of the eastern shoreline (New Jersey side) of Delaware Bay.

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, as the lead administrative Trustee for this spill, coordinated the natural resource damage assessment (NRDA) activities. The Trustees and the responsible party, the owner and operator of the Bermuda Islander, worked together on a cooperative NRDA process. A settlement has been reached which will provide $270,000 for trustee assessment costs and to restore injuries to shoreline habitat and associated fauna.

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