FamilySearch Centers

Get free, personal help with your family history

FamilySearch offers a network of 4,500 facilities offering public access to genealogical records from all over the world. These range from the world’s largest in Salt Lake City to locations in more than 80 countries.

FamilySearch centers offer a variety of services

Genealogical resources

Friendly service and help at our FamilySearch Centers

At a FamilySearch center you can search billions of online records. These centers also offer access to the LDS circulating collection of 2.5 million microfilms from over 100 countries.Search our library catalogOrder microfilms

Free classes

An instructor pointing to a screen a student is using to help explain

Larger FamilySearch centers offer frequent classroom training on both FamilySearch products and specialist research topics. These free classes may help you hone your research skills about a specific country, website or record type. Learn more about our free courses

Research support

A volunteer helping a visitor research records on microfilm

Volunteer staff at a FamilySearch center will help you understand and use their available resources. If you are a beginner, they can help you get started with your own family history. In some locations, expert research advisors are available. Find a location near you