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USAID: From The American People Health Over 3 million children receive vitamin A supplements through USAID program in Nepal - Click to read this story
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  • USAID Repositioning in Action E-Bulletin
    This e-bulletin provides a forum for the exchange of information, experiences, and lessons learned as we work to improve sustainable access to quality family planning services and commodities. Available in English and French.
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    This e-newsletter, along with periodic e-mail updates, provides readers with the latest PMI news, country-specific activities, technical area information, and new and updated resources.
  • The President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief - Monthly Newsletter
    A monthly update on the U.S. commitment to turn the tide against global HIV/AIDS from the Office of the U.S. Global AIDS Coordinator.
  • USAID Weekly
    Begun in July 2007, the USAID Weekly is an Agency-wide e-newsletter produced by the USAID Bureau for Legislative and Public Affairs, Office of Public Liaison.

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