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Have you ever received a threatening e-mail or text message? Find out how to deal with cyberbullying.

Cyberbullying –
Cyberbullying - National Crime Prevention Council
Cyberbullying – Stop Bullying Now!
K.B.’s Day - Stop Bullying Now!
Prevent Cyberbullying

A disappointed girl looking at her mother on the phone

Government Sites

CryptoKids - (National Security Agency/Central Security Service) - Peer into the secret world of cryptology: making and breaking codes. Play lots of games and activities at this site too!

Cyberbullying - - Cyberbullying is repeatedly hurting someone else through the use of technology. So, instead of whispering a rumor to a friend, a bully might e-mail or instant message that rumor or post it for everyone to see!

Cyberbullying - Stop Bullying Now! - (Health Resources and Services Administration) - Cyberbullying, which is sometimes referred to as online social cruelty or electronic bullying, can involve: Sending mean, vulgar, or threatening messages or images or pretending to be someone else in order to make that person look bad.

FCC Kids Zone - (Federal Communications Commission) - Find out interesting facts and play fun games that help you learn more about this agency. There's also a news section just for you!

FCC Kids Zone - Frequently Asked Questions - (Federal Communications Commission) - Lists the most commonly asked questions for grades 4-8 about televisions, cable, and phones.

FCC Kids Zone (Grades 4-8) - (Federal Communications Commission) - Do you know the difference between AM radio and FM radio? Do you know what a satellite is and how it works? Find the answers and more on this website.

FCC Kids Zone (Grades K-3) - (Federal Communications Commission) - Have fun with the many quizzes and games at this site, as you learn about this agency. Check out the "In The News" feature written just for you!

K.B.'s Day - Stop Bullying Now! - (Health Resources and Services Administration) - Bullying also can happen on-line or electronically. Cyberbullying is when children or teens bully each other using the Internet, mobile phones or other cyber technology. This animated webisode features K.B. on her first day of school.

NASA's Newsbreaks (Grades 3-5) - (National Aeronautics and Space Administration) - KSNN™, the Kids Science News Network, is a program that uses the Web, animation, and video to introduce science, technology, engineering, math, and NASA concepts. This site features children in 60-second (video) newsbreaks answering math, science, and technology questions.

NSF and the Birth of the Internet - (National Science Foundation) - You can browse through this site that includes video clips of early pioneers talking about their work on this endeavor, along with maps of Internet growth from the 1960s to the 1990s. (Flash required)

Social Networking Sites: Safety Tips for Tweens and Teens - (Federal Trade Commission) - Social networking sites have added a new factor to the 'friends of friends' equation. By providing information about yourself and using blogs, chat rooms, email, or instant messaging, you can communicate, either within a limited community, or with the world at large. But while the sites can increase your circle of friends, they also can increase your exposure to people who have less-than-friendly intentions.

What are Computer Viruses? - Newton BBS - Computer viruses are programs written by mean people. These virus programs are placed into a commonly used program so that program will run the attached virus program as it boots, therefore, it is said that the virus infects the executable file or program.

What is a computer virus? - KSNN - Sometimes, computers also become infected with a computer virus. This kind of virus can affect your computer's systems so badly that the computer's entire operating system can fail.

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Other Resources

BrainPOP - Technology - Watch short videos on how technology works.

Computer Viruses - BrainPop - Find out what a computer virus is and what the different kinds are.

Cyberbullying - National Crime Prevention Council - Online bullying, called cyberbullying, happens when kids use the Internet, cell phones, or other devices to send or post text or images intended to hurt or embarrass another person.

Disney's Surf Swell Island - Follow Mickey and friends in his "Adventures in Internet Safety"; explore around the island to learn about privacy issues, online manners, viruses, and more.

Net Smartz Kids - Do you like to surf the net? Learn how to be safe and have fun while surfing the World Wide Web. Lots of games, too!

Police Notebook - Kid Safety on the Internet - Visit this cool site to view a slide show on how to be safe in many situations. Learn about crime prevention, personal safety, Internet safety, and more.

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Page Revised - 3/30/2009

This service is provided by the Federal Citizen Information Center of the Office of Citizen Services, U.S. General Services Administration.