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Abraham Lincoln

Abraham Lincoln was the 16th president of the U.S., and his 200th birthday is this year. Find out more about his life.

Abraham Lincoln Bicentennial 2009
Abraham Lincoln Birthplace National Historic Site
Abraham Lincoln: An Extraordinary Life
Biography of Abraham Lincoln
Mr. Lincoln's Virtual Library

Lincoln Memorial, Washington, DC

Government Sites

Alamosaurus - (National Park Service) - Alamosaurus is the only known sauropod in North America from this time period (Upper Cretaceous). All North American sauropods died out about 105 million years ago. Then, after a 35-40 million year gap, Alamosaurus appeared in North America about 70 million years ago. (All dinosaurs became extinct about 65 million years ago.)

Encyclopedia Smithsonian - Encyclopedia Smithsonian features answers to frequently asked questions about the Smithsonian and links to Smithsonian resources on subjects from Art to Zoology.

History & Archaeology - Smithsonian Magazine - (Smithsonian) - Read these interesting articles on science and technology topics.

Human Evolution - (Smithsonian) - Learn about the evolution of humans. You can read the frequently asked questions or view ancient human skulls.

Paleobiology - (Smithsonian) - This site has resources on fossils to dinosaurs. Learn how long-term physical changes of ancient global geography and climate have affected the evolution of plants and animals.

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Other Resources

Cavemen Facts from the BBC - Click on a skull for handy fact pages about hominids featured in the series Walking with Cavemen (2003).

Dinosaurs and Fossils - Check out these very cool and interesting articles.

Mother of man - 3.2 million years ago - One fossil discovery above all has transformed views of how we became human. But who was Lucy, and why is she so important to human evolution?

New York Times - Science and Health - Explore science and health issues in depth or search by subject. Also view slideshows.

Prehistoric Life - Radio Programmes from the BBC - A selection of British radio programs on the study of man and fossils.

Rise and Fall of the Dinosaurs - Learn a lot about dinosaurs.

The Largest, Most Complete, Best Preserved T. Rex - Come see Sue, at the field museum.

The Music of Sound - Neanderthal Jam - You could learn a lot from old musical instruments. We're not talking about a pawnshop full of rusted saxophones and busted guitars, but about partly fossilized bones with holes that look suspiciously like wind instruments.

The Truth About Killer Dinosaurs - In the ultimate clash of the titans, the giants of prehistory engage in mortal combat. The Truth About Killer Dinosaurs harnesses new research and new ways of seeing how the most ferocious dinosaurs really lived, and died.

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Page Revised - 4/24/2009

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