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PMI: Presidents Malaria Initiative - Saving lives in Africa.

The Malaria Communities Program (MCP)

Eligibility and Timeline    |    About MCP    |    Application Preparation    |    Resources

MCP Eligibility

Organizations eligible to respond to MCP request for applications (RFAs) must meet the following criteria:

  • Legally constituted U.S. or non-U.S. non-governmental organizations (NGOs)
  • Nonprofit organizations that have not been awarded in excess of $5 million in total, direct U.S. Government funding over the five years prior to submission of an application under the RFA
  • Applications should be limited to the 15 PMI focus countries

To learn more about eligibility, see the Fiscal Year 2009 MCP Request for Application (note: this link goes to and is not a PMI Web page).

MCP RFA Fiscal Year 2009 Timeline

  • October/November 2008: Fiscal Year 2009 Malaria Communities Program Request for Applications (MCP RFA) are available for download at
  • Once the final FY09 MCP RFA is posted (precise date to be determined) application submission instructions and deadline specified within the RFA document itself will be clearly indicated here. (A link to the final RFA will be available here once it has been posted.)