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Table 5.—Returns with Positive Adjusted Gross Income (AGI): Number of Returns, Shares of AGI and Total Income Tax, AGI Floor on Percentiles in Current and Constant Dollars, and Average Tax Rates, by Selected Descending Cumulative Percentiles of Returns Based on Income Size Using the Definition of AGI for Each Year, Tax Years 1986-2005—24,295

Table 1.1—Selected Income and Tax Items, by Size and Accumulated Size of Adjusted Gross Income, Tax Year 2006—14,157

Corporation Income Tax Brackets and Rates, 1909-2002—12,936

Recent Updates

Foreign Recipients of US Income Study, 2006 Tax Year – Two tables that present data for tax year 2006 from Form 1042-S, Foreign Person's U.S. Source Income Subject to Withholding, are now available. The tables include data on the number of returns, total income, income subject to withholding, income exempt from withholding, income by category of income and tax withheld.  These data items are available by selected countries and by selected recipient types.

Individual Income Tax Returns, Preliminary Data, Tax Year 2007—The IRS is announcing an early release of the Individual Income Tax Returns, Preliminary Data, 2007 by the Statistics of Income Division. Some highlights from the release of data from the forthcoming spring 2009 issue of the Statistics of Income Bulletin (IRS Publication 1136) shows that for tax year 2007, taxpayers filed 144.7 million individual income tax returns, an increase of 4.5 percent from the 138.4 million returns filed for 2006. In addition, Adjusted Gross Income (AGI) increased from the previous year by 6.9 percent to $8.5 trillion for 2007. Taxable income increased 6.8 percent to $5.9 trillion; the alternative minimum tax rose 8.6 percent to $20.9 billion; total income tax increased by 6.5 percent to $1.1 trillion; and total tax liability rose by 6.4 percent to $1.1 trillion.

2006 Corporation Complete Report Now Available - This report presents data on corporation income tax returns with accounting periods that ended July 2006 through June 2007. Data have been classified in various ways, including by form type, industry, size of total assets, and size of business receipts.  The report also presents data tables for S corporations.   An introduction that highlights changes, an explanation of terms, a description of the sample, and changes in the law is also included in thereport.  Data tables in Excel format will follow.  (March 2009)

Schedule M-3 Data for Tax Years 2004-2006 – Data for tax years 2004-2006 are now available from Schedules M-3, Net Income (Loss) Reconciliation for Corporations.  Data are presented by size of corporation total assets and industrial sector.   Tables 1 and 2 present data for 2004-2006 on corporations that file Form 1120,  while Tables 3 and 4 present data for 2006 on corporations that file Form 1120S. (March 2009)

FY 2008 IRS Data Book Now Available – The fiscal year 2008 issue of the IRS Data Book is now available in electronic format. The report describes activities conducted by the IRS from October 1, 2007, through September 30, 2008, and includes information about returns filed and taxes collected, enforcement, taxpayer assistance and the IRS budget and workforce.
(March 2009)

Statistics of Income (SOI) Bulletin, Winter 2009 – Six articles from the winter 2009 issue of the Statistics of Income Bulletin (IRS Publication 1136) are now available. The articles present individual income tax data for tax year 2006; split-interest trust data for filing year 2007; charitable and other tax-exempt organization data for tax year 2005; data on foreign recipients of U.S. income for tax year 2005; projections of federal tax return filings for calendar years 2008-2015; and tax year 2005 corporation data on allocation, the identification and movement of taxpayer-reported data items to other, more specific items or categories, a statistical process used by SOI’s Corporation Program. 
(March 2009)

Corporation Research Credit, Tax Year 2006 – Corporation Research Credit data are now available for tax year 2006.  Two tables have been added for 2006, both of which include information on taxpayers who filed for the Corporation Research Credit using the Section C – Alternative Simplified Credit calculation method.  Tables with detail on the manufacturing subsectors have also been updated for tax year 2006. 
(February 2009)

2008 IRS Research Bulletin Now Available –The 2008 IRS Research Bulletin features selected papers from the latest IRS Research Conference, held at the Georgetown University School of Law in Washington, DC, on June 11-12, 2008. The IRS Research Conference highlighted research on tax compliance and administration, and facilitated dialogue among IRS researchers, IRS and state tax administrators, tax experts from other countries, academic researchers, federal agencies, and private sector experts.
(February 2009)

2006 Corporation Source Book Now Available in Two FormatsThe 2006 Corporation Source Book is now available in two formats: a Comma Separated Value (.csv) file and Excel tables. The purpose of the .CSV file, which contains only numeric characters, is to provide an easy way to download the entire Source Book in one file and use in most statistical software packages.  Also available are separate Excel files for each industrial sector for 2000 – 2006.  Download and file use instructions can be found on the website.  The Source Book presents balance sheet, income statement, tax, and other selected items by size of total assets for all returns with and without net income.  Statistical tables are available by industrial sectors, major groups within a sector, and minor industries within a major group.  Industry detail is based on the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS). (February 2009)

Individual Taxpayers with the Top 400 Adjusted Gross Income—This release contains four tables which contain information from the Top 400 Individual Income Tax Returns for each of Tax Years 1992 through 2006. Table 1 contains frequencies, money amounts, and average dollar amounts for the major income, deduction, and tax credits reported as part of the Form 1040 (U.S. Individual Income Tax Return).   Table 2 shows ranges of marginal tax rate for the various statutory rates (including the alternative minimum tax rates) that were in effect for Tax Years 1992 through 2006 while Table 3 shows the range of average tax rates up to 35 percent and over, computed as total income tax divided by adjusted gross income. 

The data in Tables 1 - 3 are based on the individual returns with the largest adjusted gross income reported each specific year shown and do not necessarily reflect the same taxpayers over the 15-year time period reflected. Therefore, Table 4 is available to present the number of times an individual return appeared among the 400 largest adjusted gross incomes for each of tax years 1992 through 2006.
(January 2009)


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Page Last Reviewed or Updated: April 23, 2009