Our Mission: 

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Environmental Cooperative Science Center (ECSC) mission is to train a new generation of environmental scientists in NOAA-related sciences, particularly from under-represented minority groups, and to develop the natural and social science tools for integrated assessments of ecosystem health in support of coastal environmental decision making…read more about the ECSC

Latest News

ECSC at the 'Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill & Ecosystem Science Conference'

ECSC Faculty and Students were in attendance at the first Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill & Ecosystem Science Conference in New Orleans, Louisiana from January 21-23, 2013. The conference brought together the Gulf of Mexico research community to share their latest scientific findings with three specific goals in mind:

  • To provide greater context and integration to ongoing research
  • Initiate dialogue with stakeholders about how research will impact processes for policy, conservation and management
  • Enhance public understanding of the Gulf of Mexico ecosystem


ECSC Doctoral Student LaTrisha Allen of Florida A&M University in front of her poster entitled Biomarkers of PAH exposure in livers and bile of reef fish from the northern Gulf of Mexico after the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill 
(Click here for her abstract)


ECSC Doctoral Student Tiffany Baskerville of Florida A&M University with one of her dissertation committee members Wade Jeffrey (UWF). Tiffany presented an oral presentation entitled Assessing the Impact of the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill on Indigenous Bacterial Communities: A Biogeochemical and Molecular Approach
(Click here for her abstract)

FAMU College of Law Hosts Ocean and Coastal Law Panel Discussion

ECSC Co-PIs and FAMU Law Professors Randall S. Abate and Robert H. Abrams are taking the lead in coordinating two panel discussions on law and policy challenges in Florida and the Caribbean. The second discussion includes panelist Dr. Ariana Marshall, a former ECSC doctoral student of FAMU's School of the Environment.

January 10th, 2013
'Ocean Law and Policy Challenges in Florida and the Caribbean'

Ocean Law and Policy Panel

January 24th, 2013
'Coastal Law and Policy Challenges in Florida and the Caribbean'

Coastal Law and Policy Panel

ECSC In The News: "Is Gulf Seafood Safe to Eat?"

Click here to read a National Wildlife Federation article featuring ECSC Co-PI Dr. Jennifer Cherrier - discussing oil contamination in Gulf Coast food webs and fisheries using radiocarbon and stable isotopes...

NWF Screen Shot

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