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Pediatric Tuberculosis: Needs and Challenges


Day One (Linden Oak Room)

8:45am Welcome--Dikoe Makhene (NIAID/NIH), Sharon Nachman (SUNY Stony Brook)

Session 1: Disease Burden and Clinical Spectrum

9:00am Epidemiology/disease burden (TB, TB/HIV) -- Jeffrey Starke (Texas Children's) 

9:35am Clinical spectrum --Philippa Musoke (Makerere University)

10:00am MDR and XDR TB in children--Simon Schaaf (Stellenbosch University)

10:20am TB/HIV coinfection--Mark Cotton (Stellenbosch University)

10:45-11:15am: BREAK

Session 2: Host Pathogen Interactions and Diagnostics

11:15am Immune response/correlates of protective immunity--Deborah Lewinsohn (Oregon Health and Science University)

11:50am New diagnostic technologies/methodologies--Mark Perkins (Foundation for Innovative New Diagnostics)

12:30-1:45pm: LUNCH 

1:45pm Host pathogen interactions and risk factors--Ajit Lalvani (Imperial College)

2:15-4:30pm - Breakout Sessions

a) Diagnostics


c) Epidemiology

4:30-5:00pm: BREAK

5:00pm Summary reports from Breakout sessions

6:00pm: ADJOURN

DAY TWO (Glenecho Room)

Session 3: Treatment

8:00am Current first and second line therapies--Peter Donald (Stellenbosch University)

8:35am SQ109--Gary Horwith (Sequella)

8:55am TMC 207--David McNeeley (Tibotec)

9:15am Moxifloxacin/PA-824--Ann Ginsberg (Global Alliance for TB Drug Development)

9:45-10:15am: BREAK

Session 4: Clinical Pharmacology and Drug-Drug Interactions

10:15am PK/PD--first and second line drugs--Charles Peloquin (National Jewish Hospital)

10:35am PK/PD—application for new drugs--George Drusano (Ordwell Research Institute)

10:55am Pharmacogenetics--Peter Donald (Stellenbosch University)

11:15am Drug-drug interactions of TB and HIV drugs--Mark Cotton (Stellenbosch University)

Session 5: Prevention

11:35am BCG vaccination--Willem Hanekom (University of Cape Town)

Noon New vaccines and vaccination strategies---Lewellys Barker (Aeras Global TB Vaccine Foundation)

12:30-1:30pm: LUNCH

1:30- 3:30pm Breakout sessions
a) Prophylaxis

b) Treatment

c) Biomarkers/Correlates for clinical efficacy

3:30-4:00pm: BREAK

4:00-5:30pm Summary reports from Breakouts

Session 6: Clinical trials and Infrastructure

5:30pm Clinical trials considerations for drugs-- William Burman (Denver Public Health )

5:50pm Trials site capacity/infrastructure-- Ann Ginsberg (Global Alliance for TB Drug Development)

6:15pm ADJOURN

Day Three (Salon D)

Session 7: Pregnancy

8:30am TB infection/tuberculosis in pregnancy--Amita Gupta (Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions)

Session 8: Regulatory Considerations

9:00am Pediatric Initiatives--William Rodriguez (Office of Pediatric Therapeutics, FDA)

9:30am Centre for Biologics--Rose Tiernan (Division of Vaccines and Related Product Applications, FDA)

9:50am Centre for Devices and Radiological Health--Freddie Poole (Office of In Vitro Diagnostic Device Evaluation and Safety, FDA)

10:10am Centre for Drug Evaluation--Eileen Navarro-Almario (Division of Special Pathogens and Immunologic Products, FDA)

10:30-11:00am BREAK

11:00am Summary reports Wednesday

11:15am Summary reports Thursday

11:30am Future Plans/Closing Remarks



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Contact Info

Mamodikoe Makhene, MD, MPH
Medical Officer, DMID
Phone: 301-402-8544


See Also

Division of Microbiology and Infectious Diseases

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Contact Info

Mamodikoe Makhene, MD, MPH
Medical Officer, DMID
Phone: 301-402-8544


See Also

Division of Microbiology and Infectious Diseases