Award Recipient's ARRA

ARRA funding is a one-time increase to the NIH budget to promote economic recovery.  The NIH Standard Terms and Conditions for ARRA Awards outlines new reporting requirements, so recipients of ARRA funds should review it carefully.

For participation in NHLBI-specific ARRA opportunities, requestors of funds need to pay particular attention to guidelines provided in each category and should understand their responsibility as a participant in the NHLBI ARRA opportunity. The NHLBI must obligate its complete allocation no later than September 2010. Awards must be spent by September 2011, unless otherwise stipulated.

In order to ensure that all expenditures advance the objectives of the ARRA, participants will be asked to provide a detailed and explicit statement as to how their applications will support the ARRA’s goals and objectives to stimulate the economy while advancing science. 

Important Links
Information from the White House and President Obama

Recovery Information from Health and Human Services

NIH's Role in ARRA

NIH's Recovery Site

Message from the NHLBI Director

Information on the Implementation of the Recovery Act

Final Legislation (PDF)

Inspector General (IG)

Apply or bid for grants, contracts, loans, or loan guarantees at or