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Home Preservation Special Projects
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Special Projects

Archives - On-going projects include treating and rehousing nearly 100 years of campus newspapers, deacidifying and encapsulating archival materials, and rehousing collections.  The Preservation Unit was awarded a 2004 NEH Preservation Assistance Grant ($5000) to have the Judge Sarah T. Hughes scrapbooks evaluated by a conservator.  Begun in the summer of 2006, the scrapbooks are being rehoused and page-level finding aids are being created.

Government Documents Department - On-going projects include deacidifying maps, repairing and binding damaged materials, making enclosures for fragile items, and disbinding for digitization.  Past projects include deacidifying and encapsulating war posters.

Music Library - On-going projects include stabilizing brittle acquisitions and doing a small amount of preservation photocopying.

This page is maintained by Jessica Phillips last modified Thursday, July 24, 2008. 04:14 PM

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