Upward Bound Math-Science

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Program Performance Plan

Program performance plans describe the goals and intended outcomes of U.S. Department of Education programs and initiatives. Annual targets and strategies, along with measures for monitoring progress, are published in performance plans prior to each fiscal year. The plans also include actual performance data showing whether targets were met in previous years. The FY 2009 performance plan for this program, including program performance measures, historical program data, and targets, as of February 2008, may be accessed through the link below.

Grantee-Level Performance Results: 2005-06

Postsecondary school enrollment rate data, as submitted by Upward Bound and Upward Bound Math-Science grantees in the 2004-05 and 2005-06 annual performance reports.

Grantee-Level Performance Results: 2004-05

Postsecondary school enrollment rate data, as submitted by Upward Bound and Upward Bound Math-Science grantees in the 2003-04 and 2004-05 annual performance reports.

Annual Performance Report

New deadline for submitting APRs:

For most regular Upward Bound projects and all Upward Bound Math-Science and Veterans Upward Bound projects, reports are now due January 30, 2009.

For regular Upward Bound projects with December 1, 2007 start dates, the due date remains February 27, 2009.

The online APR data collection Web site will now be available December 15.

Background: Requests for public comment on the revised annual performance report format for the Upward Bound programs appeared in the Federal Register on February 13 and June 16, 2008; the Department revised the report in a number of ways in response to comments received. After TRIO made further changes occasioned by the Higher Education Opportunity Act (signed by President Bush on August 14, 2008), the Office of Management and Budget approved the APR on September 8, 2008.

Preparing your APR: Grantees in all Upward Bound programs are required to submit their 2007-08 APRs via a new and more robust online Web application; links will be available from the Upward Bound and Upward Bound Math-Science "report" pages. The form and instructions for the APR, with minor corrections in response to grantees' questions, are now available in text and PDF versions for your reference. Frequently Asked Questions are also currently available.

By December 15, 2008, grantees may expect to receive, and may view on the TRIO Web pages, a letter from Geraldine Smith, Team Leader for the College and University Preparation Team, providing further information on submitting the APR.

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Last Modified: 12/29/2008