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Current National Threat Level is elevated

The threat level in the airline sector is High or Orange. Read more.

Homeland Security Components

Domestic Nuclear Detection Office Organization


  • Systems Architecture Directorate—Determines gaps and vulnerabilities in the existing global nuclear detection architecture, then formulates recommendations and plans to develop an enhanced architecture.
  • Mission Management Directorate—Manages DNDO programs in key mission areas, including: Ports of Entry, general aviation, maritime, and the domestic interior.
  • Product Acquisition & Deployment Directorate—Carries out the engineering development, production, developmental logistics, procurement and deployment of current and next-generation nuclear detection systems.
  • Transformational & Applied Research Directorate—Conducts, supports, coordinates, and encourages an aggressive, long-term research and development program to address significant architectural and technical challenges unresolved by R&D efforts on the near horizon.
  • Operations Support Directorate—Develops the information sharing and analytical tools necessary to create a fully integrated operating environment.
  • Systems Engineering & Evaluation Directorate—Ensures that DNDO proposes sound technical solutions and thoroughly understands systems performance and potential vulnerabilities prior to deploying those technologies.
  • Red Teaming & Net Assessments—Independently assesses the operational performance of planned and deployed capabilities, including technologies, procedures, and protocols.
  • National Technical Nuclear Forensics Center—Provides national-level stewardship, centralized planning and integration for an enduring national technical nuclear forensics capability.


Department of Homeland Security
Washington, DC 20528
Attn: DNDO

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This page was last reviewed/modified on January 20, 2009.