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Current National Threat Level is elevated

The threat level in the airline sector is High or Orange. Read more.

Previous Department of Homeland Security Performance and Accountability Reports:

Fiscal Year 2007

Highlights Report for Fiscal Year 2007 (PDF, 60 pages - 2.3 MB) summarizes key performance and financial information. The Highlights report provides the Department’s overall performance and financial status in a concise format. In future years, this report has been renamed to The Citizens' Report. The Annual Performance Report and Annual Financial Report (AFR)  provide additional detail if desired.

Annual Performance Report for Fiscal Years 2007-2009 contains the Department's annual performance report (APR) for 2007 and plan for 2008 and 2009. Accompanying detailed information is provided in Appendices.

Read the Annual Performance Report for Fiscal Years 2007-2009 (PDF, 88 pages - 2 MB)

Annual Financial Report for Fiscal Year 2007 (PDF, 342 pages – 16.5 MB)

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This page was last reviewed/modified on January 13, 2009.