Walt Disney Internet Group
Privacy Policy
Kids Privacy Policy
Internet Safety
Terms of Use
Previous Policy
Previous Privacy Policy
If you registered on one of our sites on or after November 6, 2003 or have accepted the updated WDIG privacy policy, then the version of the privacy policy displayed on this page does not apply to you. If the version of the privacy policy displayed below does apply to you, you may accept the updated WDIG privacy policy here, or by making a purchase at one of our family of sites. If you decide not to accept the updated WDIG privacy policy, your data will continue to be handled under the version of the privacy policy displayed below, your access to certain services within our sites will be limited, and you will continue to receive e-mails from us in accordance with your existing contact permissions.

Walt Disney Internet Group Previous Privacy Policy TRUSTe: Click to Verify

Effective Date: January 22, 1996

The Walt Disney Internet Group is committed to helping you make the most of your free time on the Internet within a trusted environment. This privacy policy discloses how we collect, protect, use and share information gathered about you on our family of Web sites. Once you have registered with one of our Web sites, you will have access to all of our family of sites. Thus, this privacy policy is the same for all of WDIG's sites. We hope that this disclosure will help increase your confidence in our sites and enhance your experience on the Internet.

Kids' Privacy Policy:

We recognize the need to provide additional privacy protections for kids who visit our sites. To read about our protections for kids who are 12 and younger, click here.

Q1. What types of information are WDIG sites collecting, and how are the sites collecting it?
Q2. How does WDIG use the personally identifiable information that has been collected?
Q3. Does WDIG share information with companies or other organizations that are not part of the WDIG family of sites?
Q4. What choices do I have about WDIG collecting, using, and sharing my information?
Q5. What type of security does WDIG provide?
Q6. How can I access my account information?
Q7. Whom do I contact with questions or concerns about this privacy policy?
Q1. What types of information are WDIG sites collecting, and how are the sites collecting it?
A1. The majority of great products and services on our sites are offered without our collecting any personally identifiable information from you. You can surf WDIG's Web sites and view much of our terrific content anonymously. For instance, you can view news headlines at ABCNEWS.com without giving out any personally identifiable information.

Information You Provide
There are a few activities on our sites where the collection of personally identifiable information is necessary. Those activities include things like entering a contest or sweepstakes, making a purchase, or contacting us. When personally identifiable information is collected, you will know because you will have to fill out a form. For most activities, we collect only your name, e-mail address, birth date, gender, and zip code. When you make a purchase, we also collect your street and billing addresses, your phone number, and credit card information. Depending on what you purchase, we may also need to collect other personal information, like your clothing size.

Information Collected from You with Technology
WDIG sites collect some information about you using technology, so it may not be readily apparent to you that it is being collected. For instance, when you come to our site your IP address is collected so that we know where to send information you are requesting. An IP address is often associated with the place from which you enter the Internet like your ISP (Internet service provider), your company, or your university. This information is not personally identifiable. WDIG sites use information collected through technology to make our sites more interesting and useful to you. This includes helping advertisers on our site design advertisements our Guests might like. We normally don't combine this type of information with personally identifiable information.

However, we will combine this information with personally identifiable information to identify a visitor in order to enforce compliance with our house rules or terms of service or to protect our service, site, Guests, or others.

What Are Cookies, and How Does WDIG Use Them?
Cookies are pieces of information that a Web site sends to your computer while you are viewing the Web site. These pieces of information allow the Web site to remember important information that will make your use of that site more useful. WDIG and other Internet companies use cookies for a variety of purposes. For instance, DisneyStore.com uses cookies to remember and process the items in your shopping cart, and all WDIG sites use cookies to make sure kids don't enter unmoderated chat rooms. You can choose to have your computer warn you each time a cookie is being sent, or you can choose to turn off all cookies. You do this through your browser (like Netscape Navigator or Internet Explorer) settings. Each browser is a little different, so look at your browser Help menu to learn the correct way to modify your cookies. If you turn cookies off, you won't have access to many WDIG features that make your Web experience more efficient -- like the features mentioned above -- and some of our services will not function properly.
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Q2. How does WDIG use the personally identifiable information that has been collected?
A2. WDIG uses personally identifiable information in a limited number of ways. We use the information to complete transactions. For instance, if you purchase a fantasy team on ESPN.com, we use your information to process your order, or if you contact us for help we will use the information to contact you. We use information collected to notify you if you've won a game or contest. Information we collect is used to send you e-mail updates and newsletters about our sites. We also use the information you provide to send you WDIG e-mail promotions and special offers from our third-party sponsors.
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Q3. Does WDIG share information with companies or other organizations that are not part of the WDIG family of sites?
A3. One of the most valuable assets of our business is you. We aren't in the business of selling information about our Guests. However, if there is a value for our Guests, we will share your information or send you messages on behalf of another company as described below. We will also share information for security reasons.

Companies That Are "Standing in the Shoes" of WDIG
Sometimes we hire companies to help us deliver products or services, like a shipping company that delivers a package. In those instances, we need to share your information with them. These companies are basically "standing in the shoes" of WDIG, and they are allowed to use the information only to deliver the product or service.

Companies Offering Promotions, Products, or Services
On occasion, we offer promotions -- like sweepstakes or free subscriptions -- in conjunction with a sponsor. We will share your information with the sponsors if they need it to send you a product, such as a magazine subscription. We may share your information with those sponsors so that they can send you other special promotions they offer, but only if you give us your permission to do so, and we will share it only with that specific sponsor. In addition, WDIG occasionally sends e-mail promotions out to our Guests on behalf of third-party sponsors. In this instance, we don't share your name with the third party -- we do the mailing for them. Again, we only send these promotions to you if you've given your permission.

Content Partners
On some of our sites, we provide content that is created by a third-party partner Web site. For instance, ESPN.com provides shopping opportunities with third parties. In some instances the third-party sites will collect information in order to facilitate the transaction or to make the use of their content more productive and efficient. In these circumstances the information collected is shared between WDIG and our third-party sponsors.

Third-Party Advertisers and Network Advertisers
To help increase privacy protections for our Guests, WDIG allows advertising on our sites from only those companies that have their own privacy policy. Once you've clicked on an advertisement and have left WDIG sites, our privacy policy no longer applies. You must read the privacy policy of the advertiser to see how your personal information will be handled on their site. In addition, many business advertisements are managed and placed on our site by third-party companies. These companies are called "network advertisers." Network advertisers collect non-personally identifiable information when you click on or scan one of their banner advertisements. The information is collected using technology, so you may not realize it's being collected. The network advertisers collect this information so that they can show you ads that are more relevant and interesting to you. If you would like to read more about network advertisers or do not want network advertisers to collect this non-personally identifiable information about you, click here.

Purchase or Sale of Businesses
Online business is still in a very early stage and is changing and evolving rapidly. As WDIG continually looks for ways to improve our business, we may buy or sell a company. If we buy or sell a business, the names collected will likely be transferred as a part of the sale. Information about registrants will be used in the aggregate. However, if we buy a business, we will honor the requests that customers made of that business regarding e-mail communications. In the event that we sell a business, we will do everything in our power to ensure that the e-mail communications requests you made of us are honored.

Organizations That Help Protect the Security and Safety of Our Guests and Our Sites
We will give out personal information as required by law, for example, to comply with a court order or subpoena; to enforce our Terms of Service, or site or game rules; or to protect the safety and security of Guests and our sites.
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Q4. What choices do I have about WDIG collecting, using, and sharing my information?
A4. It is possible for you to use much of our site without giving us any personally identifiable information. When you do register with us or give us personally identifiable information, you will have an opportunity at the time we collect your information -- to limit e-mail communications from WDIG and from our third-party partners. You can request at any time that WDIG not send future e-mail to you either by unsubscribing from the communication or by contacting us at ms_support@help.go.com. Also, as mentioned above, there are ways to limit the information collected through technology -- though some of our features won't work if you decide to do this.
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Q5. What type of security does WDIG provide?
A5. The importance of security for all personally identifiable information associated with our Guests is of utmost concern to us. WDIG takes technical, contractual, administrative, and physical security steps to protect all visitors' information. When you provide credit card information, we use secure socket layer (SSL) encryption to protect it. There are some things that you can do to help protect the security of your information as well. For instance, never give out your Password, since this is what is used to access all of your account information. Also remember to sign out of your account and close your browser window when you finish surfing the Web, so that other people using the same computer won't have access to your information.
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Q6. How can I access my account information?
A6. You can access the personally identifiable information you gave us during registration at our member services center. Simply click on this link https://register.go.com/disney/GuestServices/YourAccount/login and then log in with your member name and password. There are instructions on the start page to help you recover your password if you've forgotten it. You can also contact us via e-mail by clicking "Guest Services" in the footer on any WDIG page and selecting "Registration/Personalization" in the drop down box, or send an e-mail directly to ms_support@help.go.com. Please include information in the e-mail that will help us identify your account so we can assist you with your inquiry or request.
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Q7. Whom do I contact with questions or concerns about this privacy policy?
A7. If you need further assistance, please send an e-mail with your questions or comments to ms_support@help.go.com or write us at:

Member Services
500 S. Buena Vista St.
Mail Code 7716
Burbank, CA 91521-7716
Walt Disney Internet Group is a licensee of the TRUSTe Privacy Program. If you believe that WDIG has not responded to your inquiry or your inquiry has not been satisfactorily addressed, please contact TRUSTe http://www.truste.org/consumers/watchdog_complaint.php.
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