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Filed under: EV/Plug-in, Nissan

Nissan to demo EV Cube at Kanagawa Electric Vehicle (EV) Festa 2009

Nissan will be showing off the second-generation version of its electric Cube this weekend at the Kanagawa EV Festa 2009. Nissan showed a concept called the Denki Cube at last year's New York Auto Show and then showed the EV-02 (right) later in the year. The festival this weekend will be the first time that Nissan offers public rides in the prototype EV.

Nissan has committed to introducing an electric vehicle next year, but it has also said that the production version will not be based on the Cube. The current version of the prototype is propelled by an 80 kW electric motor and matching inverter. Nissan has a joint venture with NEC to produce lithium ion batteries. The flat prismatic cells are arranged into a pack that is mounted under the floor. If you happen to be in the vicinity of Yokohama Akarenga Park in Kanagawa Prefecture, Japan it might be worth checking out the festival.

[Source: Nissan]

Nissan to participate in "Kanagawa Electric Vehicle (EV) Festa 2009"
- EV Prototype Displayed for the Test-ride Section -

TOKYO (March 12, 2009) - Nissan Motor Co., Ltd. today announced it will showcase its electric vehicle (test vehicle) and offer it for a test-ride section for visitors at "Kanagawa Electric Vehicle (EV) Festa 2009", organized by Kanagawa EV Promotion Council, to be held on March 14 and 15 in Yokohama Akarenga Park.
Electric vehicle

Nissan has committed to zero-emission vehicle leadership, and has announced plans to introduce an all-electric vehicle in fiscal year 2010 in North America and Japan and mass market globally in 2012. This vehicle was produced experimentally for the purpose of assessing various performances of EV. It is the first time for Nissan to give a test-ride (passenger ride) of EV to the public.

This vehicle features a front-wheel drive layout and uses a newly developed 80kW motor and inverter. The advanced laminated compact lithium-ion batteries are installed under the floor, without sacrificing either cabin or cargo space. The production vehicle to be introduced in fiscal year 2010 will have a unique bodystyle and will not be based on any existing Nissan model.

"Kanagawa EV Promotion Council" (President: Governor of Kanagawa Prefecture) in which Nissan participates as a council member has been having consultation about EV promotional and educational activities, building battery charging infrastructure, and other topics. This event is held as part of its activities. Nissan will give an opportunity for the public to experience the latest EV technology by displaying a cut model of its lithium ion battery as well as by showcasing its prototype.
Kanagawa Electric Vehicle (EV) Festa 2009 Dates: March 14 (Sat.) - 15 (Sun.), 2009
Venue: Yokohama Akarenga Park
Organizer: Kanagawa EV Promotion Council
Admission Fee: Free
rganizer Website:

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