Health, Environment, Safety and security

Marathon recognizes that the ability to do business in any community is a privilege. High standards of health, environmental, safety (HES) and security performance underpin a culture of continual improvement that includes:

  • Oversight by the Public Policy Committee of the board of directors. Its role is to identify, evaluate and monitor social, political and environmental trends, and issues and concerns that could affect Marathon's business activities and performance. It also analyzes the Company's global reputation and strategic position, and develops recommendations for the board concerning broad public policy issues. The Public Policy Committee has oversight responsibility for Marathon's senior-level CSR Management, and HES Committees. 
  • A comprehensive HES policy and associated performance principles.
  • A broad Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) policy that affirms a continuing commitment to our core values and which promotes sustainable social, environmental and economic benefits wherever Marathon operates.
  • Use of integrated HES Management Systems to drive continual HES improvement throughout the Company.
  • Metrics integral to our corporate and operational safety and environmental performance commitments.