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  Contact the Legislature
State Capitol Building
East 12th & Grand
Des Moines, Iowa 50319
Senate Switchboard
Second Floor, Capitol
(515) 281-3371
House Switchboard
Second Floor, Capitol
(515) 281-3221
Legislative Information Office
Room G16, Capitol
(515) 281-5129
Legislative Services Agency
Fiscal Services Division
Ground Floor, Capitol
Legal Services Division
Ground Floor, Capitol
Computer Services Division
Second Floor, Miller Bldg.
Iowa Code Office
Third Floor, Miller Bldg.
Administrative Code Office
Third Floor, Miller Bldg.
(515)281-5279 | (515)281-8451 (FAX)
(515)281-3566 | (515)281-8027 (FAX)
(515)281-6766 | (515)281-6625 (FAX)
(515)281-5279 | (515)281-8451 (FAX)
(515)281-5279 | (515)281-8451 (FAX)
Citizens' Aide/Ombudsman
Ola Babcock Miller Building, 1112 East Grand
(515)281-3592 | (515)242-6007 (FAX)
1-888-426-6283 (toll-free nationwide)

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small capitol dome
Comments? webmaster@legis.state.ia.us
(Please remember that the webmaster does not vote on bills. Direct all comments concerning legislation to State Legislators.)