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Competition Ideas

Balloon Powered Vehicle
Design and manufacture a vehicle powered by air in two balloons, that traces circles around a stationary pole.

1989 ASME RSC Design Contest Escape
Design a vehicle to travel accurately and quickly through an obstacle course composed of two parts; one part being a flat horizontal wooden surface and the other an upwardly inclined sand pit at an angle of 20 degrees.

Airborne Vehicle
Design a vehicle to travel 75 feet to the bulls eye.

Aluminum Can Airplane Contest
Design and build a hand-launched glider aircraft.

Amphibious Vehicle
Design an amphibious vehicle powered by dry cell batteries.

Balloon Toss
Successfully move the balloons by placing a small amount of water in the balloons which would shower the person if the balloon hit the pins.

Birthday Candle Powered Vehicle
Design, build and operate a vehicle powered by birthday candles.

Bottle Rocket
Design, build and test using a 2-liter plastic soda pop bottle a rocket that uses a combination of pressurized air and water for propulsion.

Brainteasers consist of exercises designed to "stretch the imagination" and stimulate creative problem solving.

Bridge Building Contest
Design and build a structure capable of spanning a foot long gap between two level horizontal surfaces

Bump Course For Off-Road Roadsters
Design a wheeled, tracked, or walker vehicle to navigate a 17-ft long linear course.

Cardboard Canoe Race
Build a cardboard canoe (in one hour) and race (human powered).

Catapult for water balloons. Judging on Distance, Accuracy and The Battle.

Construct a mechanism that will catapult the provided projectile a maximum distance in the prescribed direction.

Clay Boats
A team of two will design and build clay boats that will withstand the most amount of added weights before sinking.

Clay Launcher
Impromptu Launching Device Competition

Coffee Can Car
Design a Coffee Can Car that will travel in its natural rolling direction along a track, across a ramp to a stopping point and then return to the starting line

Deflector Bridge
Design an energy absorbent bridge that deflects with a dynamic load applied to its top center.

Design Strength Project
Given an equal amount of material and time, each participant is to make a link of chain.

Destroy a Plane
Plane must be rigged so that, at the release of a single trigger, the plane is torn into the greatest number of pieces possible.

Downhill Tank Contest
Design & construct a vehicle that will travel down an inclined plane in a minimum amount of time, stop within a specified area, and fire a projectile to a target.

Egg Carrier
Designing a vehicle to carry an egg safely down an inclined surface into a wall

Egg Drop/Throwing Contest
Construct an egg-tossing device

Egg On The Pedestal
Design a device that will transport a large fresh egg across the top of a table and deliver it safely on the floor in front of the table.

Egg Survival Competition
Design and construct a device that will allow an egg to survive a 20 foot drop

Egg Throwing Contest
Design and build a container for an egg which will keep the egg from breaking.

Design a vehicle to travel accurately and quickly thorough an obstacle curse to rescue your friend.

Feed The Rube
Design a mechanical device that accomplishes an easy task while demonstrating the use of several principles of mechanical engineering in a fun and inventive way to feed the Rube face.

Feeding The Poor
Machine used to transport gumballs or M&Ms across a 12 foot "ocean". The winner is the machine that succeeds in getting the most food to "Somalia"

Flywheel Powered Trolley Vehicle
Design, fabricate, and enter into competition a trolley vehicle powered by one or more rotating flywheels.

Formula Device
Design a device that will receive the maximum number of points from the prescribed formula.

Galaxy of Zert
Move a calamarian egg.

Design and construct an object or vehicle that will stay aloft as long as possible when released from a specified height.

Gravity Powered Cart Races
Design and build a small cart that can propel itself down a flat and level track in competition with another cart.

Gravity Powered, Bottlecap Raiser
Design and construct a device that uses only gravity to raise a bottlecap as high as possible

Hamster Powered Racer
Design a vehicle to be powered solely by a hamster.

Here To There Using Popsicle Sticks
Design and construct a system that will enable a ping pong ball to hit a target 8 feet away

High School Bottle Rocket Contest
Two-liter soda pop bottle powered by compressed air & water. The SPRocket which lands the closest to a target placed between 100 & 200 feet from the launcher will be winner

Homecoming Bed Race
Design a mobile bed to compete in a race approx. 60 yards long.

How Much Load Can The Structure Take?
Mini-tower structure, 1 foot tall, built from spaghetti must be able to withstand a certain amount of weight. Winners will be judged on several points, including maximum load.

How Slow Can You Go?
Design and construct a vehicle to maintain as much flight time as possible.

Design a two-wheeled, short wheelbase recumbent vehicle equipped with a hard shell fairing (body). This design should be constructed of 4130 chrome-moly tubing and is low, compact, relatively light, and is able to accept a multitude of components and/or rider sizes.

Incline Vehicle
Design, build and test a device that moves a chosen payload from rest, up a slight incline, to a specified destination.

Intramural Basketball
Rules for conducting Intramural Basketball games

Intramural Volleyball
Rules for conducting Intramural Volleyball in student contest.

It's Pinewood Derby Time
Construct and race a Pinewood Derby kit.

Kerr Lid Classic
Design a mechanical device that will travel over a flat surface a maximum distance from its initial position. Must use sanctioned materials.

Limit = Imagination
It is cheap and relatively easy to make ridged and light structures. It is done with packing tape and empty 1,2,3 liter pop-bottles.

Maximum Time Aloft
Engineer a flying craft which will glide (without power) for the maximum time after having been launched from a human launcher.

System to take off from one table, drop a projectile on a target while achieving a certain altitude, and land on another table.

Model Glider/Paper Airplane
Paper planes made on the spot

Design and construct a monorail device which can transport itself a fixed distance in the shortest time.

More Than A Mile High Climb
Create a vehicle that will climb up a pipe faster than anyone else can.

Mousetrap Catapult
The objective of the competition is to design and construct a catapult that shoots Ping-Pong balls, using inexpensive and readily available materials.

Mousetrap Drag Race
Design some type of vehicle powered by one standard mousetrap to travel a distance of 30 feet in as short a time as possible.

Mousetrap Power Ball Storage
Build a device that will pick-up and store as many balls as possible with the energy of 2 mousetraps within a 5-minute time limit.

Mousetrap Power-Ball Toss
Design and build machine powered by 2 mousetraps that will cause two calls to end up in the target zone.

Design a one degree of freedom system which has a natural frequency of 0.5 Hz (period 2 seconds)

Design a vibration demonstrator

Nut-Bolt Dexterity Contest
Contest to assemble nut bolt pieces

Oil Well Derrick
Design and build a model oil derrick from toothpicks that will sustain the greatest load for its mass.

Paper Airplanes
Newspaper article on various types of paper airplanes and contests.

Paper Bridge
Design and build a bridge with a limited amount of paper and glue to span a space 56 cm wide that will support a maximum load.

Paper Tower
Build the tallest tower from paper and tape to stand for 1 minute. (supplies provided)

Party Design Contest
Vehicle to be dropped from a height of 10 feet using supplies provided

Perpetual Leakage: The Leaking Bottle Refiller
Build a contraption powered by falling weights to continuously capture the water and pour it back in the top (actually the bottom) of the bottle (a two-liter plastic Coke bottle).

Play-Doh Carrier
Design a vehicle to carry a piece of Play-Doh down a wire incline.

Construct a projectile using a straw, etc., and a means to launch it for maximum distance and accuracy

Propel A Projectile Horizontally
Design a mechanical system to propel a projectile for maximum horizontal distance

Realizing Your Potential
Develop a machine that utilizes the energy stored in ball bearings that are subjected to the earth's gravitational field and no other force.

Rocket Contest
The contest will involve the prediction of the flight characteristics of a solid propellant rocket. The competing school that comes closest to the actual flight characteristics of the rocket will win.

Rope Eating Contest
Design a spring powered rope climber.

Rubber Band Powered All-Terrain Vehicle
Design and construct and race a rubber band powered all-terrain vehicle

Rubber Band Powered Vehicle
Design a vehicle which will travel down an incline, launch itself from a ramp, clear a wall and land in the target zone.

Self Propelled Pin Pong Ball Launcher
Design and build a self-propelled ping pong ball launcher. Travel 10 ft; fire Ping-Pong ball at 3-ft. diameter target.

Self-Propelled Cargo Boat
Design and build a self-propelled cargo boat capable of carrying two golf balls for a maximum distance

Structure To Support Water
Design a structure of maximum height capable of supporting a cup of water with the materials provided and within the allowed time period.

Student Mechanism Design
Any project concerning the original synthesis of a mechanism of your choice.

Suspended Nails
Design and demonstrate a method for suspending as many nails as possible from a single nail

Suspended Rubber Band Powered Vehicle
Design and build a rubber band powered vehicle which will travel horizontally, while suspended from a steel wire

Tank Contest
Design a tank vehicle to fit in a 3ft cube

Tank Launcher
Design & construct a vehicle which will travel 30 ft., stop within firing zone, launch projectile at target

The Collapsing Bridge
Construst a collapsing bridge from paper, straws, paper clips, labels, and toothpicks.

The CSL Tower - Egg
Design and construct a structure/tower built on a two axle wheelbase that will support an egg

The CSL Tower - Golf Ball
Design and construct a structure built on a two axle wheelbase, as tall as possible, using the given materials which will support a golf ball at the top.

The Vehicle Incline Plane
Design a vehicle that will travel down an incline, launch itself clear over a wall, and land the farthest from the wall without going out of the sandbox.

Toy Mouse Carrier
How to get a vehicle to carry a toy mouse up an inclined plane using rubber bands.

Transport A Penny
Design a device that will transport a penny in a continuous process the furthest distance

Vayu Revisited
Design and build a mechanism capable of safely loading six eggs at random "pick-up" points and unload them without breaking at a depot at the end of a specified track.

Vehicle Competition
Design a vehicle that travels on a smooth, hard floor around the exterior of a 5-foot square track and stopping at its starting position.

Walking Machine Decathlon
Design and construct Robot

Water Delivery
Deliver .5 gallons of water to a target at 40 ft.

Water Supply of Convenience
Construct a pumping device needed to deliver water from the lagoon to the storage tank next to your hut.

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