What We're Doing

Policy Solution

Enforce the Clean Water Act

We make sure this important law—which protects about 60 percent of the nation's bodies of water—doesn't get trampled on by Big Oil and other industries.

Policy Solution

American beaches violate public health standards thousands of times a year. We push solutions that keep them cleaner.

Policy Solution

To stop coal-fired power plants from dumping millions of tons of toxic chemicals into waterways, we fight for stronger limitation standards by the EPA.

Policy Solution

With more frequent droughts, groundwater levels are dwindling. We work to protect this important freshwater source from depletion and pollution.

Related Priorities

What You Can Do

Demand Clean Water

Two years ago, Flint, Michigan's drinking water was contaminated with lead—and it still is. Tell Congress to help the city's families—and all Americans—get access to clean water.

Experts & Resources