Home > Forecasts and Analysis > Energy Finance > Detailed Statistical Tables 2007 > Table C15
Table C15.  U.S. and Foreign Refinery Output and Capacity for FRS Companies, Ranked by
                      Total Energy Assets, and Industry, 2007

                     (Thousand Barrels per Day)
Refined Product Statistics 1       FRS Companies Total Industry FRS Percent of Industry
All FRS Top Four Five through Twelve2 All Other2
United States            
  Refinery Output Volume3 14,168 6,020 4,341 3,807 18,561 76.3
    Percent Gasoline            
       Reformulated/Oxygenated 8.2 7.7 6.7 10.7 15.9 39.6
       Other 37.2 36.5 43.1 31.6 30.2 94.1
    Percent Distillate  31.6 31.6 31.4 31.8 23.0 105.1
    Percent Other 23.0 24.1 18.8 25.9 31.0 56.6
  Refinery Capacity            
    Years Change (Net)    -551 -439 -212 100 150 (5)
    At Year End  14,101 6,176 4,254 3,671 18,171 77.6
    Utilization Rate4 89.6 81.2 93.7 99.6 86.6 (5)
  Refinery Output Volume3 5,008 4,597 (2) 411 NA (5)
    Percent Gasoline  28.9 29.0 (2) 28.0 NA (5)
    Percent Distillate 41.5 41.9 (2) 37.7 NA (5)
    Percent Other 29.6 29.1 (2) 34.3 NA (5)
  Refinery Capacity            
    Years Change (Net) -353 -353 (2) 0 1,090 (5)
    At Year End 5,571 5,081 (2) 490 70,325 7.9
    Utilization Rate4 85.3 85.5 (2) 82.9 86.6 (5)
  1U.S. FRS and U.S. industry data include operations in Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands.  Foreign FRS and foreign industry data exclude operations in Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands.
2For foreign FRS, the "Five through Twelve" and "All Other" groups are combined to avoid disclosure.
3For FRS companies, includes refinery output at own refineries for own account and at others' refineries for own account.
4Defined as average daily crude runs at own refineries, for own account, and for account of others, divided by average daily crude distillation capacity.
5Not meaningful.
  NA = Not available.
  Note: Sum of components may not equal total due to independent rounding.
  Sources: Industry data, U.S. - Refinery output and refinery capacity: Energy Information Administration, Forms EIA-820 (Annual Refinery Report) and EIA-810 (Monthly Refinery Report); see Petroleum Supply Annual, 2007.  Industry data, Foreign - Refinery Capacity: British Petroleum Statistical Review of World Energy, 2008.   
FRS companies data - Energy Information Administration, Form EIA-28 (Financial Reporting System).