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A New Direction in Farm and Food Policy

Welcome to American Farmland Trust's Action Center where you can let your legislators know you support a new direction in farm and food policy. We're working at the community, state and national level on solutions to protect America's farm and ranch land, advance environmental stewardship and expand local foods production. Log-in now to see a customized list of alerts available to you.

Urgent Action

Join the Transition Team - Countdown to the Inauguration


Senator Barack Obama (D-IL) will assume office as the new President of the United States in a few short weeks. President-elect Obama voted in favor of the 2008 Farm Bill, and his campaign platform supported farmland preservation, regional food systems and renewable energy. American Farmland Trust is looking forward to helping our new president implement the crucial policies that provide support for American agriculture and farmland conservation. Join our 2009 Presidential Transition Team and help us work with the new administration to continue our efforts in shaping the future for positive farm and food policy by voting for your farm and food priorites

Take Action Now

More Actions You Can Take

Mother and daughter shopping

Take the Keep It Local Pledge
Keep agriculture thriving in your community by challenging yourself to support local farms and local food.

Farmer with meter

Demand Action on Climate Change
Tell Congress to support legislation that includes and addresses agriculture's role in greenhouse gas reductions.

Cows in a field near housing development

Protect Farms and Ranches from Sprawl
We're rapidly losing farmland to sprawl. Ask your lawmakers to fund farmland protection programs. 

Hypoxia in the Gulf of Mexico

Stop the Growth of Dead Zones
Ask Congress to support programs that help farmers reduce runoff and protect our water quality.

Get Involved with AFT's Action Network

Laptop on haybaleJoin AFT's Action Network
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Friends at a laptopInvite Friends and Family
Spread the word about farm and food issues and invite your friends and family to sign up for AFT's Action Network.
U.S. Capitol buildingFind Your Legislators
See who represents you at the State and Federal level and how to contact them.
Celebrating in the fieldLearn About Our Victories
Read about what our Action Network has helped us achieve around the country.

American Farmland Trust