People People

Fueling the fires of learning and teaching

Programs Programs

The alliance of students and faculty in pursuit of a better world

Places Places

Enhancing student access and program opportunity


Campaign Video

Campaign video

USU: Higher Quality

A Higher Education

Celebration Photos

August 6 Photo Gallery

TV spot: Research

Research Commercial

Recent News

Human Rights Activist and Utah State Alum Featured on 60 Minutes... Read more

Old Main Society Dinner Honors Supporters... Read more

The Aggie Promise Endowment

One of the greatest challenges facing our country is the need to increase the number of young Americans and adults who enter and succeed in college... Read more

Upcoming Events

Founders Day - March 6

Celebrate the 121st anniversary of the found of Utah State University.... Read more

Campaign progress
Climb Old Main Hill

We're making great progress! Thanks to our generous donors, we have raised $229 million of our $400 million goal.

Donor Recognition

It is with great pride that we honor those alumni and friends who support the mission, programs
and students of Utah State University. Read more

Annual Fund

The Annual Fund at Utah State University provides colleges and programs with renewable contribu-
tions toward program and people. Read more