Jobs & Bids

Employment Opportunities

Accountant  - Closing date February 13, 2009

Financial Aid Director - Closing date March 13th, 2009


Internships are available at the college and at various businesses in the area.

For more information about opportunities at LCO Ojibwa Community College for students contact: Amber Marlow, ext. 156.

The Work Based Learning program also offers placements for both High School students and college students. Contact Pam Johnson,, ext. 195 or Danielle Carley,, ext 124, for more information.

Application Guidelines

Unless otherwise indicated in job description, please mail the entire application package to:

LCO Ojibwa Community College
Human Resources Office
13466 W. Trepania Rd.
Hayward, WI 54843

All employment applications must include the following*:

* a cover letter
* a resume
* three (3) letters of reference
* Official Transcripts
* a completed LCOOCC Application for Employment form (download below in Word or Acrobat format)

Employment Application

Employment Application

Hand-delivered applications will be accepted at the College until 4:30 p.m. on the deadline date; mailed applications must be post-marked on or before the deadline date.

LCOOCC welcomes applications from all peoples, but follows a Native American preference policy when hiring.

Employee Handbook (09.18.2008)