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Manitoba Conservation

Conservation with Buffalo

Manitoba Excellence in Sustainability Award Winners Recognized

Winnipeg – The Manitoba Round Table for Sustainable Development announced individuals, companies and organizations who are contributing to a sustainable, prosperous economy and a green and healthy community.

2008 Excellence in Sustainability Award Winners

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Announcement of Manitoba-Ontario Interprovincial Wilderness Area

Manitoba and Ontario have signed a memorandom of understanding to co-operate on conserving valuable natural habitat and ensuring proper recreation use by establishing Canada's first Interprovincial Wilderness Area. This area covers more than 9, 400 square kilometres and includes Atikaki and parts of Nopiming Provincial Parks in Manitoba.

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Excellence in Pollution Prevention Recognized

Edmonton - Five organizations have demonstrated outstanding innovation and leadership in pollution prevention by implementing actions to reduce pollutants before they are released to the Canadaina evnironment.

Pollution Prevention Awards

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2008 E-Waste Round-up, May 1 to September 30

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Historic Agreement First Step Toward Strengthening Protected Areas, Conservation Efforts in Winnipeg

“The Province of Manitoba and the City of Winnipeg have taken a historic first step toward protecting the city’s natural treasures under an agreement signed June 14, 2007 by Conservation Minister Stan Struthers and Mayor Sam Katz.  Moving forward under the memorandum of understanding (MOU), Winnipeg’s important waterways and natural areas will be identified for greater environmental efforts and could receive stronger protection as a part of the province’s protected areas network.  Winnipeg would be the first community in Manitoba with areas receiving the province’s protected areas designation.”

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2008 Protecting Manitoba's Outstanding Landscapes: Manitoba's Protected Areas Initiative

Since 1990 the Manitoba government has been working to establish protected areas that preserve Manitoba's biodiversity, securing this natural legacy for future generations. This brochure gives an overview of the protected areas programs, our achievements, and how new protected areas are established.

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Parks Reservation Service

Reserve your camp site selection.

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