The Fifth National IPM Symposium, "Delivering on a Promise," was held in St. Louis, MO on April 4-6, 2006 at the Adams Mark Hotel. Symposium sessions addressed state of the art strategies and technologies to successfully solve pest problems in agricultural, recreational, natural and community settings. More than 650 people from 23 countries attended the symposium.

If you are interested in information from the previous Fourth National IPM Symposium/Workshop in 2003, click here

For available presentations from this symposium, click here

For available posters from this symposium, click here

IPM Professionals Honored at Fifth National IPM Symposium

What do IPM adoption measures, goats, fruit-fly attractants, school IPM tactics and the Healthy Grown potato label all have in common? All were among the credits earning recognition under the first National IPM Achievement Award. The first honorees, drawn from 25 nominations from four countries, received their awards during this year's Fifth National IPM Symposium:

Glades Crop Care, Inc. Glades provides consulting for high value and minor crop growers in the Southeastern United States and Caribbean Basin. Based on innovative research on tough-to-manage pepper pests such as weevils and thrips, Glades developed a sophisticated program of pheromone trapping, biological control using parasites and predators, plant host manipulation and low-impact insecticides. Glades emphasizes IPM adoption and pesticide toxicity measurement, "rating" its growers and programs along the IPM continuum from basic to advanced. Glades' services go a step beyond the norm; its consulting is accompanied by a food safety audit to ensure comprehensive field- to-consumer protection.

Hawaii Area-Wide Fruit Fly Integrated Pest Management Program For the last few decades, Hawaii has been plagued by four fruit fly species costing the agriculture industry billions of dollars. This collaboration of federal, state and university scientists has developed a system of field sanitation, biological controls and lures to quell the problem. One of the largest producers on Oahu, Aloun Farms, saw crop losses from melon fly drop from 22 to 1% in one year. The approach was applied on over 200 small farms in 2004 and continues to grow each year.

Integrated Pest Management Program, City and County of San Francisco Don't be surprised if you see goats or weed-flamers on county property in San Francisco. These unique IPM practices are being used as part of an unusual and aggressive approach involving an annual workshop featuring regional and national experts, monthly "technical advisory meetings" among city agency staff responsible for pest management, and systematic ranking and selection of pesticide options for minimal impacts. In 2005 San Francisco hired and trained a small fleet of bicycle messengers to treat 20,000 catchment basins with a biopesticide for West Nile virus-carrying mosquitoes. These ground-breaking tactics have produced big results; total pesticide use in the city and county has decreased by more than 70% since the program's inception. One of the first in California, the effort has been a model for government agencies nationwide.

Dr. Marc Lame Over ten years ago Dr. Marc Lame convinced the Monroe County Community School Corporation (MCCSC) to test a new behavior-change based approach to implementing school IPM. Soon after, MCCSC achieved a 90% reduction in pesticide application and a 90% drop in pest complaints. This approach, dubbed the "Monroe Model" has been transferred to other school districts nationwide, with similar success. Due to the work of Dr. Lame and the team he has assembled, more than one million school children are exposed to fewer pests and pesticides. Dr. Lame's book, A Worm in the Teacher's Apple, chronicles his successes and obstacles while moving IPM forward in school environments. Lame hopes his book will foster public demand for IPM in schools and other arenas as well.

Wisconsin Potato and Vegetable Growers Association Wisconsin's potato industry has been recognized nationwide for its dedication to IPM thanks to the Healthy Grown brand developed by the Wisconsin Potato and Vegetable Growers Association in collaboration with the World Wildlife Fund and the University of Wisconsin-Madison. These partners established an independent certifying organization, Protected Harvest ( , that maintains standards for the brand. Ten percent of WI farmers now participate in the program, resulting in an average 64% reduction in pesticide toxicity, which is measured using a unique indexing system. Overall, there has been a 30% increase of 'biointensive' IPM adoption among participating farmers over the last five years. Rather than simply applying monitoring, sampling and thresholds, biointensive IPM emphasizes the ecological basis for managing pests, resolving questions such as, "Why is the pest there?" "Why aren't natural enemies providing adequate control?" "What system changes need to be made to maintain populations below threshold, without chemical intervention?"

Integrated Pest Management, or IPM, is a long-standing, science-based, decision-making process that identifies and reduces risks from pests and pest management related strategies. It coordinates the use of pest biology, environmental information, and available technology to prevent unacceptable levels of pest damage by the most economical means, while posing the least possible risk to people, property, resources, and the environment. IPM provides an effective strategy for managing pests in all arenas from developed residential and public areas to wild lands. IPM serves as an umbrella to provide an effective, all encompassing, low-risk approach to protect resources and people from pests.” (IPM Roadmap, May 17, 2004)

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Conference Contact

Elaine Wolff
Program Director, Conferences & Institutes

Office of Continuing Education
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
302 E. John St., Ste. 202
Champaign, IL 61820
217-333-9561 (fax)

Sponsor/Exhibitor Contact

Tom Green
IPM Institute of North America
1914 Rowley Ave.
Madison, WI 53726
608 232-1528
608 232-1530 (fax)

Media Contact

Sherry Glick
Office of Pesticide Programs

Government Sponsors

Environmental Protection Agency
IR-4 Project
National Park Service
Pesticide Risk Reduction Program, AAFC (Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada)
UC Exotic/Invasive Pests and Diseases Research Program, funded by USDA/CSREES Special Research Grant “Exotic Pests and Diseases (CA)
United States Agency for International Development (USAID)
USDA ARS Office of Pest Management Policy
USDA CSREES Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education (SARE)
USDA CSREES Regional Plant Diagnostic Network
USDA CSREES Regional IPM Centers
USDA, Forest Service
USDA National Agricultural Statistics Service

Educational/Non-Profit Organizations

NSF Center for IPM

Industry Contributors

Gold Level ($5000 and up)
CropLife America
Monsanto Co.
Orkin Commercial Services
Syngenta Crop Protection

Silver Level ($1000 to $4999)
BioWorks, Inc.
Campbell Soup Company
Dow AgroSciences
General Mills, Inc.: Quality & Regulatory Operations, Agricultural Research Environment Sustainability Initiatives

Bronze Level (Up to $1000)
Del Monte Foods
Trece, Inc.

For Organizers

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This page developed and managed by the National Integrated Pest Management Centers.
contact Jim VanKirk with questions, additions, etc.

Regional Integrated Pest Management Centers are sponsored by the United States Department of Agriculture, Cooperative State Research, Education and Extension Service.