City of St. John
Business Directory
Business Information
City Code Book
City Council
City Council Minutes
Economic Development
Event Photos
Helpful Numbers
Municipal Court
Other Communities
Police Department
Public Parks
Public Works
Senior Citizens
Voter Registration

No More City Stickers. Click here for more info.

2009 Trash Hauling Rates. Click here for more info.

The City of St. John is situated southeast of Lambert St. Louis International Airport, between highways 115 & 180, is a middle class suburb of approximately 6,871 people primarily composed of single family dwellings with a 2 1/2 mile commercial strip along St. Charles Rock Road.

Services provided by the City are police protection, street maintenance, snow removal, code enforcement, animal control, limb chipping, privately funded home improvement program and publication of a newsletter to all residents and businesses.

Fire protection and paramedic services are provided by the Community Fire Protection District. This District encompases St. John, Breckenridge Hills, Charlack, Edmundson, Overland, Woodson Terrace, part of St. Ann, part of Vinita Park and some unincorporated areas in St. Louis County. The district has three fire stations with the main station located in St. John which provides the City with a Class 4 fire rating which is one of the lowest in the County.

The City has three neighborhood parks it owns & operates and one county park which is owned and operated by St. Louis County.

The City also contracts police, snow plowing & building inspections to the Village of Sycamore Hills.

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