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At Dominion, our goal is to make our web site content understandable and navigable. This includes not only making the language clear and simple, but also supplying understandable navigation between pages and supporting navigation in select pages that will maximize accessibility and usability. If you have difficulty locating the information you need, drop us an e-mail:

This site strives to conform to W3C's "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 1.0", available at

Contact Us

Getting in touch with Dominion is easy. You can contact us directly using our quick e-mail feature, or select a link or topic that best meets your needs. Directions to our corporate offices also are provided.

Quick E-mail Contact Links Office Directions

Message to Customers Using E-mail Filtering "SPAM" Software

Important account information communicated to you through e-mail may be affected by any e-mail filtering "SPAM" software you have installed on your computer or that may be offered by your Internet Service Provider as part of your e-mail tool.

Dominion uses your e-mail address to:

  • Notify you when your bill is available for viewing online
  • Confirm online order status
  • Respond to your e-mail inquiries
  • Communicate other information to you about your Dominion account(s)

To ensure you receive important e-mails from Dominion, read your e-mail in-box subject lines carefully when you are selecting messages that you want to report as SPAM. You may also do one of the following:

  • Add the "" domain to your e-mail safe list.
  • If your settings do not allow you to add e-mail addresses to a "safe list", use the Help section of your e-mail tool for help or contact your Internet Service Provider to research your configuration options.
  • Disable your e-mail filtering "SPAM" software.


At Dominion, your privacy is important to us. Dominion does not collect personally-identifying information about You (such as Your name, address, telephone number, or e-mail address) unless You voluntarily submit that information to us through one of our Contact pages, or by e-mail or other means. We treat any personally-identifying information You submit through this Web Site as confidential and do not sell or otherwise disclose such information to third parties except under strict contracts involving customer service or the enhancement of our customer programs. Additional privacy and legal information is available.


In the search box at the top right hand side of the page, type in the word or words you choose and click on the "go" button. You will be presented with a results page which lists files that match your query. The most highly recommended content will appear at the top of the results page, while less closely matched content will present in descending order. Matching content can be viewed by clicking on the attached link.


To protect your confidentiality, this web site uses 128-bit Strong Encryption (SSL 3.0)

Settings and Browsers

At Dominion we maintain an open standard for web site development as recommended by the World Wide Web Consortium. The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) is a consortium that produces standards for the World Wide Web.

However, over 93% of visitors to our site use Internet Explorer 5.5 or later, so the majority of our development and testing efforts are committed to supporting the most popular browser. Other browsers may be used, and most of the content on our site will be accessible, but you may experience some problems as you navigate the site.

Note: If you intend to pay your Dominion bills online via Dominion eBill, you will need to use a browser that supports 128-bit encryption. Otherwise you will receive an error message denying you access to the system. To determine what type of browser you have or to troubleshoot problems, click on your browser's Help button to learn more.

Recommended Computer/Browsers Settings

The following are minimum requirements for PCs. Macs and other systems, such as Linux, Sun Solaris, and others may work effectively as long as the operating system is compatible with a Web browser able to support secure connections.

The Dominion web site is best viewed on a PC using Internet Explorer 5.5 or later with a minimum screen setting of 800 x 600, 16 bit color and a 56.6 KBs connection or higher. The site also can be viewed with Netscape 6.X. If you are using an older browser, we suggest downloading the most recent version for best results (free download):