Applicants to the Smithsonian Institution Fellowship Program must propose to conduct research in a discipline pursued at the Smithsonian and must submit a specific and detailed research proposal indicating why the Smithsonian is an appropriate place to carry out the study. Projects that broaden and diversify the research conducted within these disciplines are encouraged. Fellowships are offered to support research at Smithsonian facilities or field stations. Fellows are expected to spend most of their tenure in residence at the Smithsonian, except when arrangements are made for periods of field work or research travel.

For all fellowships, appropriate members of the Smithsonian professional staff must be willing and able to serve in the capacity of principal advisor or host, and space and facilities must be available to accommodate the proposed research.

Applicants are evaluated on the scholarly merit of their proposals; their ability to carry out the proposed research and study; the likelihood that the research can be completed during the requested appointment period; extent to which the Smithsonian, through its research staff members or resources, can contribute to the proposed research project; and the inclusion of diverse perspectives.


Postdoctoral Fellowships are offered to scholars who have held a Ph.D. or equivalent for less than seven years. Senior Fellowships are offered to scholars who have held a Ph.D. or equivalent for seven years or more. The term is 3 to 12 months.* Both fellowships offer a stipend of $42,000 per year plus allowances. Earth and Planetary Studies - Senior and Postdoctoral - offer a stipend of $47,000 per year plus allowances.

Predoctoral Fellowships are offered to doctoral candidates who have completed preliminary course work and examinations, and have been advanced to candidacy. Candidates must have the approval of their universities to conduct doctoral research at the Smithsonian Institution. The term is 3 to 12 months. The stipend is $27,000 per year plus allowances.

Graduate Student Fellowships are offered to students formally enrolled in a graduate program, who have completed at least one semester and not yet been advanced to candidacy if in a Ph.D. Program. Applicants must submit a proposal for research in a discipline which is pursued at the Smithsonian. The term is 10 weeks; the stipend is $6,000.

These fellowships support research in residence at all Smithsonian facilities except the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory (see separate listing in Fellowships and Internships section). Applications are available in September, and the deadline for submission is January 15th (postmark). Stipends are prorated for periods of less than twelve months.

*Postdoctoral applicants in Science may apply for up to 24 months.


The following information is offered as a general guide to the reader in suggesting the Smithsonian museums, research facilities, archives, and other reference resources which may be pertinent to the individual's field of interest.

American History, American Material and Folk Culture, and the History of Music and Musical Instruments, consult the following entries: National Museum of the American Indian; National Museum of American History; National Portrait Gallery; National Air and Space Museum; Cooper-Hewitt, National Design Museum; Anacostia Museum/ Center for African American History and Culture; National Postal Museum; Center for Folklife and Cultural Heritage; and Office of the Smithsonian Institution Archives.

History of Science and Technology, consult the following entries: National Museum of American History; National Air and Space Museum; Office of the Smithsonian Institution Archives; and Dibner Library of the History of Science and Technology under Smithsonian Institution Libraries.

History of Art, Design, Crafts, and the Decorative Arts, consult the following entries: Smithsonian American Art Museum; Archives of American Art; Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden; Freer Gallery of Art/Arthur M. Sackler Gallery; Cooper-Hewitt, National Design Museum; National Museum of African Art; National Museum of the American Indian; National Museum of American History; National Portrait Gallery; and National Postal Museum.

Anthropology, Archaeology, Linguistics, and Ethnic Studies, consult the following entries: National Museum of Natural History; National Museum of African Art; National Museum of the American Indian; National Museum of American History; Anacostia Museum/Center for African American History and Culture; Center for Folklife and Cultural Heritage; Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute; and the Smithsonian Center for Materials Research and Education.

Evolutionary, Systematic, Behavioral, Environmental, and Conservation Biology, consult the following entries: National Museum of Natural History; National Zoological Park; Smithsonian Environmental Research Center and Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute.

Earth, Mineral, and Planetary Science, consult the following entries: the Departments of Mineral Sciences and Paleobiology of the National Museum of Natural History; and Center for Earth and Planetary Studies of the National Air and Space Museum.

Materials Characterization and Conservation, consult the Smithsonian Center for Materials Research and Education; Freer Gallery of Art/Arthur M. Sackler Gallery; and the National Museum of the American Indian.

Principal Advisors, Co-Advisors, and Consultants

Individuals listed in this publication are divided into three categories; research staff, affiliated research staff, and program staff. Each listing contains information regarding the individual's educational background and their research specialties. Applicants are strongly encouraged to contact potential advisors and co-advisors to determine the feasibility of the proposed research being conducted at the Smithsonian Institution, and the availability of relevant resources, including collections, archives, and library materials during the proposed tenure dates.

Research staff may be named by applicants to serve as principal advisors, co-advisors or consultants.

Affiliated research staff who are in residence during most of the tenure period proposed may be named as a co-advisor or as a consultant by an applicant.

Program Staff and their respective offices, are available for specialized assistance and advice to visiting investigators and are described and named in the section entitled "Research Assistance Programs."

Obtaining Application Materials

Potential applicants should contact the Office of Fellowships for further information and/or application materials. Please indicate the academic degrees you hold or expect and the dates of their conferral, as well as your field of interest at the Smithsonian. Application materials should be requested well in advance of the deadline to allow for your consultation with proposed advisor(s)/host(s), preparation of the proposal and accompanying materials for consideration.

Deadline: January 15th (postmark) is the deadline for fellowships to

begin on or after June 1st

Current application forms for the Smithsonian Institution Fellowship Program are available in September in hard copy from the Office of Fellowships and on the Internet at


  Anacostia Community Museum
  Center for Folklife and Cultural Heritage
  Cooper-Hewitt, National Design Museum
  National Air and Space Museum
  National Museum of American History
  National Museum of the American Indian
  National Portrait Gallery
  National Postal Museum
  Smithsonian Institution Archives

HISTORY OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, consult the following entries:
  National Air and Space Museum
  National Museum of American History
  Smithsonian Institution Archives
  Dibner Library of the History of Science and Technology under Smithsonian Institution Libraries

HISTORY OF ART, DESIGN, CRAFTS, AND THE DECORATIVE ARTS , consult the following entries:
  Archives of American Art
  Cooper-Hewitt, National Design Museum
  Freer Gallery of Art/Arthur M. Sackler Gallery
  Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden
  National Museum of African Art
  Smithsonian American Art Museum 
  National Museum of American History
  National Museum of the American Indian
  National Portrait Gallery
  National Postal Museum

  Anacostia Community Museum
  Center for Folklife and Cultural Heritage
  Museum Conservation Institute
  National Museum of African Art
  National Museum of American History
  National Museum of the American Indian
  National Museum of Natural History
  Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute

  National Museum of Natural History
  National Zoological Park
  Smithsonian Environmental Research Center
  Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute

EARTH, MINERAL, AND PLANETARY SCIENCES, consult the following entries:
  Center for Earth and Planetary Studies of the National Air and Space Museum.
  the Departments of Mineral Sciences and Paleobiology of the National Museum of Natural History

  Freer Gallery of Art/Arthur M. Sackler Gallery
  National Museum of the American Indian
  Museum Conservation Institute


Principal Advisors, Co-Advisors, and Consultants

Individuals listed in this publication are divided into three categories; research staff, affiliated research staff, and program staff. Each listing contains information regarding the individual’s educational background and their research specialties. Applicants are strongly encouraged to contact potential advisors and co-advisors to determine the feasibility of the proposed research being conducted at the Smithsonian Institution, and the availability of relevant resources, including collections, archives, and library materials during the proposed tenure dates.

Research staff may be named by applicants to serve as principal advisors, co-advisors or consultants.

Affiliated research staff who are in residence during most of the tenure period proposed may be named as a co-advisor or as a consultant by an applicant.

Program Staff and their respective offices, are available for specialized assistance and advice to visiting investigators and are described and named in the section entitled "Research Assistance Programs."

Obtaining Application Materials

Potential applicants should contact the Office of Fellowships for further information and/or application materials. Please indicate the academic degrees you hold or expect and the dates of their conferral, as well as your field of interest at the Smithsonian. Application materials should be requested well in advance of the deadline to allow for your consultation with proposed advisor(s)/host(s), preparation of the proposal and accompanying materials for consideration.

Deadline: January 15th (postmark) is the deadline for fellowships to begin on or after June 1st

Current application forms for the Smithsonian Institution Fellowship Program are available in September in hard copy from the Office of Fellowships and on the Internet at

Smithsonian Opportunities for Research and Study 2008 - 2009


Information for Applying to the Smithsonian Institution Fellowship Program, including the fields of research

Fellowship and Internship Opportunities

Museums, Research Institutes, and Research Offices, includes information on staff and their research specialties

Research Assistance Programs

Smithsonian Research Staff and Affiliated Research Staff E-Mail Directory

Office of Fellowships

  • Smithsonian Institution Fellowship Program
  • Smithsonian Institution Latino Studies Fellowship Program
  • Smithsonian Institution Molecular Evolution Fellowship Program
  • Minority Internship Program
  • James E. Webb Internship Program
  • Native American Awards Program

    Search will allow you to search the contents of the Smithsonians' Office of Fellowships pages.

    Last update 12-12-08 e-mail: