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Compass Issue 9
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Compass is a quarterly publication of the USDA Forest Service's Southern Research Station (SRS). As part of the Nation's largest forestry research organization -- USDA Forest Service Research and Development -- SRS serves 13 Southern States and beyond. The Station's 130 scienists work in more than 20 units located across the region at Federal laboratories, universites, and experimental forests.

Small logo of the USDASmall logo of the Forest Service Shield

Issue 9

Gypsy Moth Host Preferences

Favored: Species preferred or readily eaten by gypsy moth during all larval stages-most oak species, apple, basswood, river and white birch, hawthorn, hazelnut, hornbeam, serviceberry, sweetgum, willows, and witch-hazel

Not favored: Species eaten by some larval stages when favored species not available-American beech, sweet and yellow birch, blackgum, boxelder, buckeyes, butternut, black cherry, chestnut, elms, cottonwood, cucumbertree, hackberry, hemlock, hickories, red and sugar maples, pear, persimmon, most spruces, most pines, redbud, sassafras, sourwood, and black walnut

Avoided: Species rarely eaten by gypsy moth larvae-most ash, most azaleas, baldcypress, catalpa, dogwood, eastern redcedar, American holly, horsechestnut, black and honey locust, mountain laurel, mulberry, rhododendrons, sycamore, and yellowpoplar

Back to: The Gypsy Moth Invasion: Can Silviculture Save the Day?

Gypsy Moth
Gypsy moth adults, male (left) and female (right). (Photo by John Ghent, U.S. Forest Service,

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