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Environmental Responsibility

Dominion Tests Hybrid Vehicles

Dominion Virginia Power is taking steps to reduce vehicle emissions, conserve fossil fuel and contribute to quieter on-location work environments by adding hybrids to its vehicle fleet.

Learn more about Dominion's hybrid vehicles.

Dominion Virginia Power is adding plug-in electric hybrid cars and hybrid-powered bucket trucks to its fuel-diverse fleet.

Environmental Report and Policy

Our enterprise-wide environmental report describes our commitment to responsible stewardship of natural resources and provides a wealth of information on environmental management and performance. We also invite you to read our Corporate Environmental Policy and our greenhouse gas report.

Environmental Stewardship

Dominion recognizes that environmental quality is inherently long term. Sound environmental stewardship demands more than instinct and expediency. It must have the commitment of consistent, corporate emphasis. It must have the conviction of people and organizations who know the importance of environmental stewardship for our world today, and tomorrow.

Dominion is focused on meeting our customers' energy needs in an environmentally responsible manner. We know that today's operations affect tomorrow's environment. As the major energy supplier in uniquely beautiful and natural regions, we have always worked to protect and enhance the economic and environmental quality of life for our customers and our employees.

Environmental quality is inherently long term. Dominion works to protect and enhance the economic and environmental quality of life for our customers and our employees.

We are committed — and will remain committed — to full compliance with all laws and regulations of local, state and federal governments that affect our operations. We will also continue to cooperate closely with the agencies that regulate our business, and even go beyond legal requirements when such action is supported by sound science and informed policy-making that makes economic sense, and encourages long term solutions.

Dominion will continue to use its dedicated workforce and a spirit of innovation to not only remain environmentally responsible in changing times, but to aggressively seek new ways to provide its customers the services they need with even less impact on the environment that surrounds us all.

Energy Conservation

How we use energy at home and in the workplace can impact the environment. Find energy-saving tips and helpful information in our Energy Conservation section.