Southern Research Station Headquarters - Asheville, NC
Main Logo of Southern Research Station, Stating: Southern Research Station - Asheville, NC, with a saying of 'Science you can use!'
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Southern Research Station Employees
From Subunit: 4704

Name Title Phone Location
Andrews, Edward O. Forester 706-559-4319 Athens, GA
Araman, Philip A. Team Leader 540-231-5341 Blacksburg, VA
Clark, Alexander Forest Products Technologist 706-559-4323 Athens, GA
Eberhardt, Thomas L. Research Scientist 318-473-7274 Pineville, LA
Edwards, Donna M. Physical Science Technician 318-473-7266 Pineville, LA
Elder, Thomas Research Forest Products Technologist 318-473-7008 Pineville, LA
Grier, Charles E. Computer Specialist 706-559-4324 Athens, GA
Groom, Leslie Project Leader 318-473-7267 Pineville, LA
Gurgainers, Janie R. Office Automation Assistant 318-473-7268 Pineville, LA
Hse, Chung-Yun Research Forest Products Technologist 318-473-7271 Pineville, LA
Reed, Karen Physical Science Technician 318-473-7265 Pineville, LA
So, Chi-Leung Research Forest Products Technologist 318-473-7269 Pineville, LA
Winn, Matthew Forestry Technician 540-231-8815 Blacksburg, VA

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