
D. Ross Robertson

Staff Scientist

D. Ross Robertson

e-mail: drr@stri.org

LinkLink: D. Ross Robertson Information

Address: Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute
Box 0843-03092
Balboa, Ancon
Republic of Panama
Unit 0948
Apo AA 34002-0948

Telephone: +507 212-8704

FAX: +507 212 8714 /8790/8791



LinkPublications by D. Ross Robertson in STRI Bibliography

LinkPublications in PDF

Research Interests

The ecology, population biology and zoogeography of coral reef fishes

Current Research

1. Development of online electronic information systems for the identification and research on the shorefishes of the neotropics (the Tropical Eastern Pacific and the Greater Caribbean.

2. Assessment of the life history characteristics of the marine shorefishes endemic to small, isolated tropical islands and their significanse to conservation biology.

3. Investigations of the molecular historical biogeography of pantropical reef fish genera, with particular reference to the origins and relationships of neotropical species.

4. Analyeses of the causes (environmental controls and fishing) of large scale patterns of variation in the demography of tropical reef fishes

Education and Degrees

BSc University of Queensland, Australia 1966
PhD University of Queensland, 1974

Selected Bibliography

Robertson DR, Ackerman JL, Choat JH, Posada JM, Pitt J 2005 Ocean surgeonfish Acanthurus bahianus I. The geography of demography. Marine Ecology Progress Series 295: 229-244

Robertson DR, Choat JH, Posada JM, Pitt J, Ackerman JL 2005 Ocean surgeonfish Acanthurus bahianus II. Fishing effects on longevity, size and abundance? Marine Ecology Progress Series 295: 245-256

Rocha LA, Robertson DR, Roman J, and Bowen BW 2005 Ecological speciation in tropical reef fishes. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 272: 573-579

Mora C & Robertson DR 2005 Causes of latitudinal gradients in species richness: a test with the endemic shorefishes of the Tropical Eastern Pacific. Ecology 86: 1771- 1782

Rocha LA, DR Robertson, CR. Rocha, JL. Van Tassell, M Craig, BW. Bowen. 2005 Recent colonization of the Atlantic by an Indo-Pacific reef fish Molecular Ecology 14: 3921-3928

Craig MT, Hastings PA, Pondella DJ, Robertson DR, Rosales-Casián JA. 2006 Phylogeography of the flag cabrilla, Epinephelus labriformis (Serranidae): implications for the biogeography of the Tropical Eastern Pacific and the early stages of speciation in a marine shore fish. Journal of Biogeography. 33: 969-979

Bowen BW, Bass AL, Muss AJ, Carlin J, Robertson DR. 2006 Phylogeography of two Atlantic squirrelfishes (Family Holocentridae): exploring links between pelagic larval duration and population connectivity. Marine Biology 149: 899-913

Robertson DR, Karg F, Moura R, Victor BC, Bernardi G. 2006 Mechanisms of speciation and faunal enrichment in Atlantic parrotfishes. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 40: 795-807

Lessios HA, Robertson DR. 2006 Crossing the impassable: genetic connections in 20 reef fishes across the Eastern Pacific Barrier. Proceedings of the Royal Society (B).

Zapata F, Robertson DR. 2006 How many shore-fish species are there in the Tropical Eastern Pacific? Journal of Biogeography.

Robertson DR and GR Allen. 2006 Shorefishes of the tropical eastern Pacific: an information system. Version 2. DVD-ROM. Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute, Balboa, Panama