
Harilaos A. Lessios

Staff Scientist

Harilaos A. Lessios

e-mail: Lessiosh@post.harvard.edu

Address: Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute
Box 0843-03092
Balboa, Ancon
Republic of Panama
Unit 0948
APO AA 34002-0948

Telephone: +507 212-8253

FAX: +507 212-8790



LinkPublications by Harilaos A. Lessios in STRI Bibliography

LinkPublications in PDF

Research Interests

Evolution of reproductive isolation.
Rate of protein and mitochondrial DNA evolution.
The effects of gene flow in the evolution of marine populations.
Phylogenetic reconstruction.
Molecular biogeography.
Ecology of tropical marine invertebrates
Impact of mass mortality on coral reef biota.

Current Research

Molecular evolution, speciation

Education and Degrees

B.A., Harvard College, 1973
M. Phil., Yale University, 1976
Ph. D., Yale University, 1979

Selected Bibliography

McCartney, M.A and H.A. Lessios. 2004. Adaptive evolution of sperm bindin tracks egg incompatibility in neotropical sea urchins of the genus Echinometra. Molecular Biology and Evolution 21:732-745.

K.S. Zigler, and H.A. Lessios. 2004. Speciation on the coasts of the New World: Phylogeography, reproductive isolation, and the evolution of bindin in Lytechinus. Evolution 58:1225-1241.

H.A. Lessios. 2005. Diadema populations twenty years following mass mortality. Coral Reefs 24:125-127

S.R. Palumbi and H.A. Lessios. 2005. Evolutionary animation: How do molecular phylogenies compare to Mayr’s reconstruction of speciation patterns? Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, USA. 102:6566-6572.

H.A. Lessios and D. R. Robertson. 2006. Crossing the impassable: genetic connections in 20 reef fishes across the Eastern Pacific Barrier. Proceedings of the Royal Society, London series. B, 273: 2201–2208.

H.A. Lessios. 2007. Reproductive isolation between species of sea urchins. Bulletin of Marine Science, 81: 191-208.

Lessios, H.A. 2008 a. The Great American Schism: Divergence of marine organisms after the rise of the Central American Isthmus. Annual Review of Ecology Evolution and Systematics. 39:63–91