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Youth SET for Life Information

Last Updated: March 05, 2009 Related resource areas: Science, Engineering, and Technology for Youth

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What is Youth SET for Life?

Youth SET for Life is a community of learners interested in science, engineering, and technology. This site is brought to you by a core team of members. University faculty, 4-H staff, and others will provide learning materials. Youth and adults will explore and learn together. Learners can also share their own experiences with each other.

The site will help you explore many areas as it grows. Farming in the 21st Century is one. Water and Energy are two other areas. Coming later will be material on the Environment and Biotechnology. Geospatial Technology is coming too. Other topics will be Animals, Plants, Insects, Earth & Space, Robotics, and Rocketry. The topics are endless.

Welcome to this growing community of learners!

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